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Russell Grant’s horoscopes as Virgo told to choose path to get out of difficulty



Russell Grant’s horoscopes as Virgo told to choose path to get out of difficulty

Today’s daily forecasts have been compiled by astrologer Russell Grant, who has been reading star signs for more than 50 years.


YOU’RE taking someone up on a rare opportunity to learn or experience something new. Your willingness to experiment makes a great impression on others. This is your big chance to forge a completely new path and it’s a chance that you could never let pass you by.


A QUIET mood inclines you to want to keep to yourself. A group project now seems to involve far too many people. With everyone having different views and ideas, nothing concrete is being achieved. You’re impatient with someone who is trying to impose their beliefs on you.


YOU have choices to make. Not taking any action at all is one possibility, just as not putting any time and energy into certain areas is another. Movement is possible but you are the one who is going to have to step forward and push things on to progress. Staying put will bring you no satisfaction.


NOTHING is easy. Everything seems to be going wrong and it’s as if you are taking two steps back for every one step forward. Friends are complaining that they never see you these days. It certainly isn’t for the want of trying. You just simply can’t find the time to fit everything in at the moment.


IF you want to remain in control of your life and career, now is the time for you to act. Active participation is necessary for you to shape your professional path. Set clear goals. If the thought of change makes you nervous, replace fears with hope. The right opportunity is around the corner.


AN unexpected offer will be your chance to leave behind anything that no longer serves you. Are you ready to start over? A decision will have to be made very soon. Choose the path that will separate you from a difficult situation. This will lead to the most favourable outcome.


WHETHER emotional or business based, this is a testing time for a close relationship. Either you or a partner will be demanding to have more say in a particular aspect of joint dealings. Tolerance is the only way to achieve peace and harmony. Try to see the other person’s point of view.

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