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Emergency law introduced to exonerate Horizon sub-postmasters in Scotland



Emergency law introduced to exonerate Horizon sub-postmasters in Scotland

Emergency legislation that will clear the name of Scottish sub-postmasters wrongly convicted during the Horizon scandal has been introduced at Holyrood.

Scottish Justice Secretary Angela Constance said lives had been “ruined” as convictions based on the faulty IT system used by the Post Office.

“The scale of the scandal and the length of time that the victims have waited for justice means we are taking an unprecedented step of introducing legislation to right this terrible wrong, and asking Parliament for it to be processed as an emergency Bill,” she stated.

The Post Office (Horizon System) Offences (Scotland) Bill will result in those who were wrongly convicted being exonerated and, with their convictions quashed, they will then be able to access the UK Government financial redress scheme.

The legislation has been introduced by the Scottish Government after the UK Government refused to extend the Bill it introduced in the wake of the Horizon scandal to cover Scotland.

And while it will proceed through Holyrood on an expedited basis, the Scottish Government said its Bill would not receive final approval until after UK legislation.

Constance said this meant MSPs would be able to take account of any changes made to the UK Bill when considering the Scottish legislation.

She insisted that “quickest, easiest route” to deal with Horizon related miscarriages of justice north of the border would have been for Scotland to be included in the scope of the UK Government’s Bill.

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