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Active Travel National Indicator | Transport Scotland



Active Travel National Indicator | Transport Scotland

Active Travel National Indicator | Transport Scotland

As part of Scotland’s National Performance Framework there is a ‘journeys by active travel’ National Indicator, which monitors the proportion of short journeys that are made by the two main active travel modes: walking and cycling.

46.2% of journeys under two miles were on foot in 2022. [Table 4c and Figure 25] This compares to 47.6% in 2019. This difference is not statistically significant at the 95% level.

Figure 25: Percentage of journeys under 2 miles by main mode, walking National Indicator, 2012 to 2022

2.1% of journeys under five miles were by bicycle. This figure compares to 1.7% in 2019. This difference is also not significant at the 95% level.

Figure 26: Percentage of journeys under 5 miles by main mode, cycling National Indicator, 2012-2022, as described in the text above

Figure 26: Percentage of journeys under 5 miles by main mode, cycling National Indicator, 2012-2022

A formal assessment of performance on this National Indicator will be made on the National Performance Framework website.

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