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How the new Cycling Framework will rebalance Scotland’s transport system in favour of its people



How the new Cycling Framework will rebalance Scotland’s transport system in favour of its people

Effective resourcing to deliver projects on the ground

Investment in everyday walking, wheeling and cycling journeys is already improving lives across Scotland.

In the past few weeks alone, we have seen infrastructure delivery and planning announced by councils in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Inverclyde and Orkney.

As laid out in the Cycling Framework, by 2024-25 the active travel budget will have grown to £320 million or 10% of the transport budget (whichever is greater).

This funding will see an increase in the pace and scale at which we can create more cohesive, inclusive and connected networks of routes, streets and spaces.  


Equal access to cycling

Active travel has a key role to play in making Scotland greener, healthier and fairer.

To make this happen, walking, wheeling and cycling must be an attractive choice for everyone, regardless of age, background or ability.

The new Framework recognises this as a key priority and sets out how access to cycles, including adaptive cycles, e-cycles and cycle shares will be expanded across the country. 

We welcome this and will continue to work with our partners to ensure new developments reflect the diverse and individual needs of all Scotland’s communities.


Training and education for people of all ages

The new Framework will build on and improve the cycle training and education offers that are already available in Scotland.

This includes children learning to ride in pre-school, on-road Bikeability training and cycle awareness courses for adults.

Making sure everyone has the confidence to walk, wheel and cycle for their everyday journeys has a really important role in encouraging all of us to leave the car at home more often.

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