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Russell Grant’s Horoscopes as Sagittarius’ are urged to be patient



Russell Grant’s Horoscopes as Sagittarius’ are urged to be patient


March 21–April 20

YOUR past hard work is bringing its just rewards. You will soon be in a more stable and secure position which has been your intention all along. Your devotion to duty is commendable and there will be more time soon for you to have some fun. You will need, and deserve, it.


April 21 – May 21

PUSH and promote personal ideas from behind the scenes. Quiet discussions could lead to surprisingly dynamic results. Being left to get on independently is a great opportunity for you to develop your own unique style. Think about taking a class to widen your world.


May 22 –June 20

YOU’RE in the process of organising new routines to suit your changing circumstances. It isn’t going to be easy to please everyone though. You’re inclined to politely tell them where to put their objections, but you should be patient. Let diplomacy be your watchword for now.


June 21 –July 22

IT isn’t easy to concentrate and it’s next to impossible to make those really important decisions. An argument that makes you uncomfortable rages on and on. Before making important moves, check what you are letting yourself in for first. Seek better advice, should the need arise.

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