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Railway workers to lobby Scottish Parliament over railway cuts



Railway workers to lobby Scottish Parliament over railway cuts

RMT will hold a ‘Rail Cuts Cost Lives’ rally and lobby MSPs at Holyrood on Thursday.

Total renewals expenditure for Scotland over the next 5 years is £315m or 13% lower than in the previous funding period.

The renewals will cover track, off-track, signalling, level crossings, earthworks, drainage, buildings, electrification and fixed plant, and telecommunications.

The combined crises on our railway of record high inflation, ageing infrastructure and climate change are crises that will have a devastating impact on our railway in the short, medium and long-term.

This is why we need more investment in our railway infrastructure not less.

RMT general secretary Mick Lynch said: “The proposal to reduce renewal work and instead put a sticking plaster of increased maintenance and using operational controls such as speed restrictions is simply a dangerous and reckless way to run a railway for the next five-year period.

“This will ultimately pile more pressure on our railway and increase the risks to both passengers and railway workers.

“Reducing renewals over the next five-year period will not only threaten services and safety on our railways but also thousands of skilled railway jobs.

“We do not want to see more rail disaster like that at Carmont.

“Our lobby and rally of MSPs is about putting pressure on the Scottish government to take responsibility and make sure our railway infrastructure is funded properly.”



The lobby of the Scottish Parliament will take place from 10:45 and we will be inviting MSP’s out to show their support and discuss our campaign.

The Scottish government has devolved powers in Transport and they decide the funding envelope for Network Rail in Scotland.

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