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A Kent councillor wants to be an MP in Scotland 500 miles away



A Kent councillor wants to be an MP in Scotland 500 miles away

A Kent councillor’s unexpected bid to grapple for a Parliamentary seat 500 miles away has been slated as “outrageous”.

Canterbury City councillor Elizabeth Carr-Ellis (Lab) has been selected as Labour’s candidate for Angus and Perthshire Glens in central Scotland.

In a LinkedIn post about her candidacy for the far-flung seat, Cllr Carr-Ellis announced: “Incredibly proud to be standing for a place I have so much love for and so much connection with.”

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But the move has drawn criticism from Canterbury constituents, with some questioning how she can properly split her time between both locations over the next month.

Cllr Carr-Ellis describes Scotland’s east coast in her social media statement as: “The place I became me. The place I found my husband and a whole new family and incredible friends. The place I found peace.

“Scotland is being let down twice: by London and Edinburgh. That’s why I’m standing for Angus & Perthshire Glens. Because I know a better way is possible,” she wrote.

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