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Publicly naming trans criminals could harm them, Scottish civil servants fear



Publicly naming trans criminals could harm them, Scottish civil servants fear

However, the disclosures in the UN report suggest civil servants were unhappy that the case became a focus of public debate.

Since the backlash over Bryson, the Scottish Prison Service has stopped proactively disclosing how many transgender inmates are in its care.

Sharon Dowey, deputy justice spokeswoman for the Scottish Tories, said: “This is another classic example of the SNP pandering to the needs of criminals by pursuing a soft-touch approach to justice.

“The Isla Bryson scandal exposed the dangers of the SNP gender self-ID policy in the justice system when a dangerous male-bodied criminal was able to gain access to a women’s prison.

“The public will be alarmed to learn that predatory criminals could be protected in this manner, especially offenders who have committed rape.”

Trans women taken on female jail day trips

Following the Bryson case, the prison service overhauled its rules around trans inmates.

However, it is still possible for male-bodied trans inmates to be placed in female jails, with decisions taken following individual risk assessments.

It is also possible for trans women being held in the male estate to be taken to female jails on “day trips” so they can spend time with “others of their gender identity”.

Last October, a transgender butcher from the Borders was jailed for sexually abusing a schoolgirl after luring her into a car while dressed as a woman.

Andrew Miller, who was known as Amy George, was sentenced to 20 years in jail for abducting the child and her to a catalogue of assaults.

Judge Lord Arthurson said his victim would not have agreed to enter his car had he presented as a male. Miller was sent to a male jail.

A Scottish Prison Service (SPS) spokesman said: “We seek to be as open and transparent as possible, while also upholding our statutory obligation to ensure those in our care have their personal information protected.”

The Scottish Government said it would not comment on individual prisoners for data protection reasons.

A spokesman added: “Since this visit took place, the SPS have published their transgender policy.”

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