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Scotland – An opportunity we can’t afford to miss – The Labour Party



Scotland – An opportunity we can’t afford to miss – The Labour Party

We will work in the national interest, building a respectful relationship with the Scottish Government and resetting devolution so that it works for all the people of Scotland.

But change for our country is a two-step process. It starts with a vote for Scottish Labour in the general election so that we can turn the page on Conservative chaos, elect a Labour government at Westminster led by Keir Starmer, and have Scottish MPs at the heart of that government.

But there is so much more that we want to do with the powers of devolution as well. We need a change of direction at Holyrood as much as we need one at Westminster.

The SNP has failed the people of Scotland – breaking our NHS, ruining our once world-leading education system, and tarnishing our politics by wasting and misusing your money. A complete failure to deliver economic growth which has left public services in crisis.

The second step towards the change that Scotland needs is at the next Scottish Parliament election, when we have the opportunity to fix the SNP’s mess by electing a Scottish Labour government.

We are starting that work now.

This manifesto recognises that voters want to know about the changes a future Scottish Labour government would make within the devolution framework. We have set out our vision to save our NHS, grow our economy, and give young people opportunities for the future.

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