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Murder plots against Scots prison officers with 700 gang members now behind bars



Murder plots against Scots prison officers with 700 gang members now behind bars

Scottish prison officers are being subjected to a reign of terror from organised crime gangs operating from INSIDE the nation’s overcrowded and crisis-hit jails.

Phil Fairlie, Scottish secretary of the Prison Officers Association, told of alleged murder plots against staff and revealed “the type of threat, intimidation and violence staff have been subjected to is at a different level”.

He said there are now “around 700 people in our prisons with direct links to organised crime”, including more high-level bosses than ever before. This is partly down to the Europe-wide EncroChat network being infiltrated by police, with around 2,600 arrests across the UK since 2020.

Mr Fairlie said: “It’s huge credit to Police Scotland for the arrest and prosecution of people much higher up the ladder than we’d normally get. We normally get foot soldiers. However, that means we’ve now got to manage them.”

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More than 10 prison officers’ cars have been firebombed in prison car parks, “either as a warning, intimidation, or payback”, he said, adding: “It’s a price, it’s the crime gang’s way of saying ‘your card is marked’. They come at night on motorbikes, torch cars and are gone in minutes.”

Mr Fairlie told the Sunday Herald of alleged murder plots launched against prison officers. In some cases, police had to spirit prison officers from their homes to safety. “One was told to just pack his bags, get in the car and come with police,” he said.

Although crime gangs are now using drones to fly drugs and mobile phones into jails, so far, there’s “nothing to suggest” gangsters have successfully smuggled in guns. However, Mr Fairlie said: “Given the individuals we’ve got inside now, coupled with what I know of their plans, guns being brought in wouldn’t come as a huge shock.”

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