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Swimmers advised to stay out of the sea at Portobello beach



Swimmers advised to stay out of the sea at Portobello beach

Charlie Allanson-Oddy, a volunteer for Portobello Water Collective, told BBC Scotland News they had been testing the water at the beach every week for the last year.

“Just over 80% of our results would be considered unsafe by Sepa for E-coli levels,” he said.

“We record these with Sepa and Scottish Water.

“Sepa is saying there is a bacteria pollution event but there is no mention of what that bacteria is. What I would like to know is what that bacteria is?

“They must know if they are saying it’s a public health concern.”

Mr Allanson-Oddy added: “Thousands of folk use the beach, water and promenade every day, even in the most inclement weathers.

“I’m concerned and would be alarmed if anyone is still going into the water after this warning has been issued.”

He said the situation was “unacceptable and shameful”.

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