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Alan Hansen’s ‘Jock pictures’ and why he is one of Liverpool’s all-time greats



Alan Hansen’s ‘Jock pictures’ and why he is one of Liverpool’s all-time greats

Liverpool released a statement on Sunday evening confirming their legendary former defender and ex-Match of the Day host Alan Hansen is seriously ill in hospital

Alan Hansen is one of Liverpool’s greatest players(BBC)

They called it the ‘Jock picture’.

Alan Hansen, Kenny Dalglish and Graeme Souness would pose together for the cameras after Liverpool won yet another trophy. There were quite a few and Hansen’s 14-year Anfield career mirrored many of Liverpool’s greatest moments.

He won eight league titles, three European Cups, two FA Cups and four League Cups. ‘Jocky’ isn’t just one of Liverpool’s greatest defenders, he’s one of best centre-halves to come from these islands.

Mark Lawrenson, with whom he formed Liverpool’s greatest defensive partnership, used to joke that he barely had a spot of mud on his kit when he played while he was filthy.

That was down to Hansen’s exceptional reading of the game and he had a talent which would have suited any age. He knew where the ball was going to be and would nip in to clear it or make an interception.

When he dribbled out with the ball, it was like everyone else was in slow motion. He would slalom past challenges with ease, like Franz Klammer on a downhill run, before releasing Ian Rush or Dalglish.

He never wasted a pass and in terms of football IQ, this guy was an Einstein.

Hansen, or ‘Big Al’ as Dalglish used to call him, was close friends with his compatriot and they used to share lifts to training at Melwood. Dalglish made Hansen Liverpool captain when he took over as player-manager in 1985 and regrets his friend did not get the credit he deserved when the Reds won the Double the following season.

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