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Chinese horoscopes for February 2024: what will Fire Tiger month bring?



Chinese horoscopes for February 2024: what will Fire Tiger month bring?

Fire Tiger Month: February 4 to March 5

Elements of the month: Yang Fire / Wood

Energy of the Tiger: Revered, courage, protection, nobility

The Tiger corresponds to the hours between: 3am – 5am

The first month of the Chinese calendar and Wood Dragon year is represented by the Tiger. This is the morning twilight of the year ahead, the official start of spring in the Northern hemisphere.

Born within Tiger hours: The Tiger is a crepuscular animal – it hunts in the predawn. Those born within the Tiger hours, therefore, tend to be front-footed, proactive, independent, fierce and business minded.

They will also most likely be early risers, as they like to prepare for the coming day. Always first to take advantage of opportunities, their success may be largely due to alertness rather than luck. Others may regard you as aggressive and over ambitious.

Those born with Tiger energy are likely to be proactive, independent and fierce. Photo: Shutterstock

Born in the Tiger year (1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010): Courageous and active, Tigers love a good challenge and adventure in life. They are daring, enthusiastic and generous with a strong sense of justice and a commitment to helping others for the greater good. They are fiercely independent and possess strong self-esteem. However, they do relish their personal space – boundaries and territory are important to them.

Born during the Tiger month (February): Their best suited careers are lawyer, social worker, journalist, political adviser, activist or charity worker.

Born on Tiger days: Fearless, restless and impatient, they have magnetic personalities. They walk their talk and prowl their environment with respect for nature. They are environmentally astute and make good campaigners. Tiger parents can be overly protective as their big cat signs enhance their sense of awareness of danger.

If you have one or more Tiger signs in your birth chart, meaning that you were either born in a Tiger year plus month, day or hours, your Tiger traits will be magnified especially during February, your specific astrological month.

Famous Tigers include Marilyn Monroe, Jim Carrey, Fidel Castro, David Attenborough, Richard Branson, Karl Marx and Oscar Wilde.

What does February hold for your astrological sign?

These generic forecasts carry different nuances dependent upon whether this animal rules your year, month, day or hour.

√ Lucky

∞ Neutral Luck

X Not so lucky

√ Ratstick to your plans

Rat years (1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)

Set your goals and stick to your plans, that way the month will be smooth, and you may gain greater clarity to expedite tasks. If you do find yourself travelling, take extra care with personal safety. You may be feeling restless in search of something new – if so, keep searching. The Dragon will guide you well, being one of your astrological allies.

√ Oxyour time to shine

Ox years (1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)

Don’t hold back, put your ideas and thoughts into action as you have an excellent month ahead. You should gain satisfactory results in your career, gaining well deserved recognition for your past efforts. Don’t allow anyone to step onto your patch of sunshine thinking they know better than you because they don’t, and you may be the one to let them know. One word of warning is to keep personal data secure so as to prevent computer and social media hacking.

√ Tiger – expect positive attention

Tiger years (1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)

As this is your astrological month and you share space with the Ox on the Chinese compass holding the direction of northeast, you may expect plenty of positive attention, especially around Valentine’s Day. In addition to being popular, your wealth luck is also strong, gaining good yields from investments. Accept help when offered and aim to maintain your personal vibration by getting out and about to absorb the Dragon chi.

∞ Rabbit – get well deserved rest

Rabbit years (born 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

Opportunities are headed your way as you are in your natural spring season. After a year in the limelight, it’s time to hand over the reins to the Dragon and head back into your burrow for well deserved rest. In the workplace, you may receive good feedback about a certain project that you have headed, bringing good results for you and your team. A bright future awaits in 2024 in terms of personal progress.

∞ Dragon – take it slow

Dragon years (1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

You have arrived, and you will start your year as you mean to, taking the lead and breathing your fire! But remain professional and do not try to make too many changes too soon. Allow the Rabbit to slowly recede before trying to be overpowering; you will have plenty of time to make your mark and showcase your talents. If you are driving, be careful of speeding to prevent penalties.

∞ Snake – focus on your finances

Snake years (1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

If you are considering any renovations, try to work to a budget to prevent buyers’ remorse. The main focus of this first astrological month will be financial. You may have a strong strategy in place, especially if you wish to get on or move up the property ladder. If you can be vigilant and disciplined, you will avoid falling down the game of snakes and ladders! Change is in the air for you this year with the potential for a relocation, so every cent counts.

∞ Horse – be bold

Horse years (1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

Accept challenges boldly, as you may be headhunted for a new role with new responsibilities, which, if you are up to accepting, could be the start of something exciting. The Dragon has arrived and will not disappoint. Be careful of accidents with sharp instruments.

∞ Sheep – expect a windfall

Sheep years (1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)
You may expect some positive news about an end of year bonus or a windfall of some kind due to your excellent performance. There may be some unplanned travel opportunity coming your way such as someone dropping out of trip and opening up for you to take their place – if so, do not deliberate for too long and pack your case quickly. Cut back on heavy food during the Lunar New Year celebrations to prevent stomach issues and fatigue.

∞ Monkey – lie low for now

Monkey years (1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

This is your astrological clash month, so aim to lie low and avoid getting into quarrels as this may impact your luck going forward. The Dragon needs you with a clear mind and focus to support the energy of 2024, as you are one of the Dragon’s allies. Much will be expected of you, so keep collaborations cordial. Take care as a pedestrian and driver to prevent costly accidents. Change for good awaits you in this Dragon year!

√ Rooster – avoid overspending

Rooster years (1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

Coming out of your clash year with the Rabbit, you may look forward to an excellent year being the Dragon’s astrological bestie. Be careful not to overspend and live with buyer’s remorse at the onset of a promising financial year. Help others where you can boost spiritual merits.

√ Dog – avoid impatience

Dog years (1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

Your plans for the year should be written down to afford you greater clarity; this will allow you to plan how exactly to proceed as you enter what can be a potentially challenging year for some, but not all Dogs. You may be filled with anticipation, yet it pays to focus on gaining greater stability; avoid impatience. You appear to enjoy wonderful family celebrations, putting you in a lighthearted year and the focus of attention.

√ Pig – excellent start to the year

Pig years (1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

You get off to an excellent start to what will be a fruitful year, supported by a clear mindset and defined goals to work towards. After a couple of years of hard work and not always gaining the results deserving of your efforts, the Dragon breathes fire into your life and will not disappoint.

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