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Chinese horoscopes: what to expect in the Year of the Wood Dragon 2024



Chinese horoscopes: what to expect in the Year of the Wood Dragon 2024

Activate this number by hanging an auspicious picture that shows a multiple of nine, such as nine horses, keep nine goldfish in your aquarium, or hang a nine dragon screen.

Chinese horoscopes: your luck in January 2024, Wood Ox month

Chinese culture also associates the number nine with nine dragons and nine phoenixes, as found in the Imperial Palace of the Forbidden City in Beijing. Nine too has an affinity with the number one, which is the alpha of numbers, and this combination of nine and one creates the auspicious “sum of 10” signifying the beginning and end, or completion luck.

What to expect in the Wood Dragon year of 2024

Dragon-shaped lanterns for Lunar New Year lantern fair in December 2023 in Shenyang, China. 2024 is the Year of the Dragon according to the Chinese zodiac. Photo: Getty Images

The Dragon symbolises power, nobleness, honour, luck and success in traditional Chinese culture. The Dragon is a supernatural being with no parallel for talent and excellence. The influence of the Rabbit remains in power and rules until February 4, 2024, and therefore the world may look forward to a stable start to 2024 throughout January. February 4 is a very important and magical day in the solar feng shui calendar, as regardless of when the Lunar New Year falls, this is the official day that the Dragon makes his presence felt.

Beyond February 10, things start to become interesting, as Dragon years are epitomised by activity and reaction. The element associated with the 2024 Dragon is strong yang wood. In the five elemental cycle, wood fuels the element of fire, and thus the quality of the Dragon is enhanced. Be prepared for an unpredictable and volatile year ahead. “Never a dull moment” is the phrase for 2024!

If you have been desiring change yet have been unable to move forward, the energy of the Wood Dragon could serve your needs well, especially during the summer months. The downside is that we may witness continual unrest in many communities.

The environment

2024 will also be a year for the environment, with climate change being the focus. The imbalance of the water element could bring flooding and destabilisation to many areas, such as landslides. The Wood Dragon encourages us to replenish the land by planting more trees and looking after our forests.

From a feng shui perspective, the annual number dominating the years energy flow is three, which also relates to the wood element. This can indicate thunder and lightning which can be sudden and dramatic.

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Historically, during the last Wood Dragon year 60 years ago, the US experienced the most powerful earthquake in history in Alaska with a 9.2 magnitude. Building of tunnels and bridges may take precedence in 2024 as 60 years ago, the Eurotunnel was committed, and Queen Elizabeth opened the Fourth Suspension Bridge in Scotland.

Science and technology

Dragon years also boost great scientific progress; this will be amplified by the intelligence of the wood element of the year. This is the cycle when AI will seriously take our world by force. Digital technology and robotic developments will increase and there will be healthcare breakthroughs: overall, 2024 will be disruptive but with positive innovations taking us into the future.


Being the only mythical creature of the Chinese zodiac representing the earth and other planets, we may look ahead to conquering other planets in the Year of the Dragon: 60 years ago, space travel took place beyond our earth’s orbit and the Mariner spacecraft was launched by Nasa to study Mars.

Horoscopes for 2024

Now that we have an idea of the impending energy of the Wood Dragon, we may look at the individual Chinese zodiac signs. The following forecasts are of a generic nature, so depending on which type of elemental zodiac sign you were born under your luck will vary, due to a person’s individual luck cycle. A Wood Rat’s luck may vary from that of a person born in a Water Rat year, for instance.

Winners: Pig, Goat, Ox, Snake

Not so much winners: Dog, Dragon, Monkey, Horse

Those in Between: Rabbit, Rooster, Tiger, Rat

The Year of the Rat

Rat years (1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020). Photos: SCMP Graphics

There will be opportunities for personal growth thanks to two lucky stars in your chart, indicating greater wealth generating potential with maybe a second income source. This helps you be in a stronger position to fulfil dreams, which in 2023 may have been stalled for reason out of your control. You should enjoy a stronger sense of self and freedom to manage your schedule to your benefit due to greater autonomy.

Although luck can fluctuate, with good time management you will be able to stabilise. Be willing to work hard and be consistent to counter your weaker months of March, June and July. Think long and hard before taking action or making any major decisions. Be careful of personal safety as you are prone to accidents and injuries.

Lucky months: April, August, September, November 2024 and January 2025.

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The Year of the Ox

Ox years (1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

If you are lucky to be born in the Ox years, you may look forward to a year of steady progress due to the blessings of many lucky stars in your chart. Wealth potential appears strong enough to carry you forth towards positive results, and there is an upwards trajectory in your career and any business ventures. You may be in contact with or meet new and inspiring individuals who, with timely support, may be in powerful positions of authority to open doors for future prosperity or to help you achieve your goals.

You are required to work hard, keep calm and remain current to facts and figures especially when in negotiations, so double check everything before introducing your ideas. It pays to play your cards close to the chest for much of the year. You may encounter disputes as one star in your chart does show up with the potential to cause disharmony, so be on guard for any office politics to protect your luck, especially during your weaker months of June, July and October.

Lucky months: May, August, September, November, December 2024 and January 2025.

The Year of the Tiger

Tiger years (1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

Resilience is the name of the game for you in 2024, as this could be a tumultuous and rather a roller coaster year. Health will play an important role as to how much energy you can put in to make the best of potential new opportunities. You may suffer from fatigue caused by endless challenges, so pace yourself to prevent becoming overwhelmed. You need a clear mind to make major decisions and to be able to embrace new areas and experiences, due to two major stars which are demanding of action involving travel. Be open to accepting advice from those who may have been in a similar position. Wealth luck appears strong and is enhanced by spreading your wings to consider a relocation.

Weakest months: February, May, August 2024 and January 2025.

Lucky months: March, June, October and November.

The Year of the Rabbit

Rabbit years (born 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

After your astrological year of 2023, you may be feeling rather exhausted and confused about what next steps to take in 2024. Any changes that may have been delayed may have to be reviewed; uncertainty remain on the cards, be it for personal or professional reasons. If you remain calm and mentally strong, such decisions and any challenges will be easier to overcome. Stay determined with your goals and do not give in to external forces, which may try to send your plans off course. Breakthroughs will come by staying alert to your surroundings, and guidance that will be available.

Weakest months: April, June and August.

Lucky months: February, July, October and November.

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The Year of the Dragon

Dragon years (born 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

This is your astrological year, Dragons, so be prepared to step into the limelight. Whenever you step into your year, its wise to be cautious and tread carefully to avoid any potholes, obstacles and setbacks. It is also advised that you visit the temple to receive blessings and protection, as you are deemed to be offending the God of the year, aka Tai Sui. Shedding a little blood, such as having your teeth cleaned before the end of April, is another form of self-protection against accidents and injuries.

Determination and a good sense of timing is required to navigate your way through the year, to make gains, progress and harness the support of two auspicious stars, which help your personal empowerment to receive rewards for your past efforts. Be on full alert when out and about and travelling to destinations that may suffer extreme weather. Make health and safety a priority.

Weakest months: March, April, October 2024 and January 2025.

Lucky months: August and September.

The Year of the Snake

Snake years (born 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

Boost your fortune with your acute snake sense of timing of knowing when to strike. Your energy attracts good people who will have your back and support you in all your endeavours. Your personal vibration appears high, allowing you to overcome any difficulties with a positive mindset. There may be breakthroughs that end up exceeding your expectations. Be willing to hear others’ ideas, which help your time management and projects to efficient conclusions. There may be cause for celebrations that bring joy and family gatherings.

This is a year for self-improvement and acquiring knowledge to put you ahead of the game and any competitive forces. The only warning you may choose to heed will be not to take things for granted, and keep your eye on the small print of documents to prevent loss of wealth.

Weakest months: February, April, and November.

Lucky months: June, July, August, September, December 2024 and January 2025.

The Year of the Horse

Horse years (born 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

Similar to the luck of the snake, you have the luck to come first past the post, as 2024 will be a year of good progress both personally and professionally due to your high vibration and positive mindset. You still need to be willing to keep your eye on the finish post and work hard. You will be feeling creative, which helps you be a problem solver, always willing to lend a helping hand as others support you. As this will be a fast-paced, energetic year, you may be easily distracted, making you prone to losing valuable items and injuries to the legs; be careful when hiking or on uneven ground.

Weakest months: March, June, December 2024 and January 2025.

Lucky months: February, May, July & October.

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The Year of the Goat

Goat years (born 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

After a challenging 2023, your kindness and compassionate nature bring you the rewards you are so deserving of. Even in times of personal hardship, you have always shown a generous nature and helped others out in times of need. This has not gone unnoticed by the powers that be, and in 2024, you gain the recognition to assist you to be able to look forward to smooth progress. You will be helped by people of influence of whom you may have gained their respect over the past three years or so. Expect your network to increase as doors will be open to you to make up any loss and or disappointment caused by the energy of 2023.

Just one word of warning: do not become complacent, stubborn, restless or impatient. Think things through and be willing to take advice available to you before making major decisions, otherwise the luck available to you could dissolve. Overall, you may look forward to stepping up and stepping out in 2024.

Weakest months: October, December 2024 and January 2025.

Lucky months: February, March, May, June and November.

The Year of the Monkey

Monkey years (1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

Your luck is in your dexterous hands in 2024, and your monkey resilience, curiosity and problem-solving mindset never lets you down. Although your strength is stronger when solving physical issues, this year calls for a different strength: overcoming frequent problems caused by competitive forces, so expect to be challenged on a personal level. Your luck in 2024 comes from being strategic and setting some ground rules and personal boundaries as to who you take into your trust, as there may be many opinions flying around but with little substance to your personal well-being.

Maintain your focus and motivation, as much will be expected of you. Know when to withdraw to protect yourself from ill advice. For many born in the years of the monkey, this may be a transitional and major year for life changes such as relocations. Your decisions in 2024 will be important to the next phase of your life, so make the right one by listening to your heart.

Weakest months: February, July, August and November.

Lucky months: April, May and December.

The Year of the Rooster

Rooster years (1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

Roosters will have plenty to crow about in 2024: recovering from your clash year of 2023, the feng shui winds blow in your favour with some very auspicious stars in your chart to offer their support. You will feel empowered, motivated and ready to take on whatever is presented to you, which may be many opportunities to step onto the stage and follow some lifelong dreams. You have been diligent and worked hard behind the scenes these past five years.

As the Dragon is your astrological best friend, the energy of 2024 brings rewards and recognition. The Dragon not only brings support but also resolves past issues, allowing a sense of freedom to permeate your daily life. Roosters love to strut their stuff mostly because they are good at it! However, in this year of reward and accolades, be careful not to crow too much, otherwise you may easily offend others as risk your reputation. If you are able to, do charity work – this would be very rewarding for many. However, remember you can only help others fully from a full cup, so look after your health, which may be weak at times under the Dragon’s influence.

Weakest months: March, September and December.

Lucky months: April, May, August, October 2024 and January 2025.

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The Year of the Dog

Dog years (1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

As you are the Dragon’s nemesis, your resilience and loyalty will be tested in 2024. Be prepared to encounter obstacles and fatigue due to being easily distracted by numerous stars in your chart, which try to throw you one curve ball for you to fetch one after another. You may become less efficient and overwhelmed by daily tasks which you normally thrive on, resulting in frustrations and even more detrimental depression. Money goes a long way to helping you resolve certain issues, so if you have been prudent and buried a few “bones of investments”, you may be in a stronger position than most to dig yourself out of a few holes.

You are a loyal friend and will benefit from the support given to others in the past, so dare to share and ask for advice or even just a shoulder to rest your wary head. Maintain balance and harmony to make the most of your lucky months, and avoid power struggles especially in the workplace. Do not be impulsive; allow enough time for certain issues which may be out of your control to remedy themselves.

Weakest months: April, July, September and January 2025.

Lucky months: February, March and June.

The Year of the Pig

Pig years (1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)
The past two years have been demanding for those born in the Years of the Pig in a variety of circumstances. 2024 heralds a change in energy, allowing life and luck to stabilise becoming less erratic and unpredictable. Two stars indicating prosperity and power allow you to find “truffles” of opportunities increasing your fame and fortune. A great year for romance and even to tie the knot for some. Your social life generally receives a boost, increasing your popularity, so expect to be everywhere as your “dance card” will be full for most of the year! New meetings are on the horizon as your energy shines bright with less daily confines of concerns.

You feel in control, so approach 2024 with your unique style, panache and an abundance of confidence. Just bear in mind, like many of the signs this year, your luck can only be truly maximised with good health.

Weakest months: May, August and November.

Lucky months: February, March, June, July, December 2024 and January 2025.

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