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Creepy ruins of abandoned Scottish ship docks captured in incredible photos



Creepy ruins of abandoned Scottish ship docks captured in incredible photos

An urban explorer has shared “brilliant” photos of an abandoned Scottish shipping docks.

Natasha McCallum, who runs the Exploring with Natasha page on Facebook, journeyed to Greenock in Inverclyde to explore a “derelict” island dock. The adventurer was able to capture stunning images of the rundown site, which have an unsettling and creepy atmosphere to them.

As seen in the photos, the docks have been left to the elements for many decades. Plants have grown over the manmade structure, while appliances have completely rusted over.

Natasha shared images of a health and safety board from the beginning of the 20th century, as well as newspapers dating back to 1978. Other highlights include cooking equipment, an old-fashioned television, and a dartboard.

“After seeing a little derelict island dock on the map I decided to check it out. This was such an awesome explore,’ said Natasha.

“I loved this one so much and couldn’t believe what we found. We found items from the 40s, 50s, 60s and the 70s from the ship workers. From old plates and furniture, ship repair and check documents dated 1950s.

“We even spotted the manager’s name on a door dating from the 1940s. You can see the room where he would sleep on the makeshift wooden bed. His rain coat was still hanging up.”

She continued: “This was an amazing peace of history to find. I’m not entirely sure what this dock was used for but it seems like it was used for ship building and repairs. Sadly it looks like parts of it has been demolished destroying what was left.

“So I’m glad I got to see and find some of it when I did, as it may mean something to the public. From when the latest workers were there or even when older family members worked there.

“I did not expect to find so much stuff. This is one of my favourite finds so far.”

Since being shared on Facebook on Tuesday, the post has received more than 60 likes and 19 shares. With more than 20 comments, members of the public were keen to share their thoughts on the “brilliant” photos.

One wrote: “I live just up the road from here. We used to play around there when we were younger. I have a family member who lives in the new flats looking onto it.”

A second commented: “Brilliant photos, so many old things actually dated! Great find and thanks for sharing.”

Read on for some highlights of Natasha’s journey to the Greenock docks. More information can be found on the Exploring with Natasha page.

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1 of 10

It is incredible to see just how quickly nature reclaims abandoned manmade structures.

(Image: Natasha McCallum / Exploring with Natasha)

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An old boat has become a little pond for wildlife.

(Image: Natasha McCallum / Exploring with Natasha)

3 of 10

There is definitely an unsettling atmosphere to McCallum’s images.

(Image: Natasha McCallum / Exploring with Natasha)

4 of 10

The photos give a fascinating glimpse into life in Scotland in the 20th century.

(Image: Natasha McCallum / Exploring with Natasha)

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It is hard to imagine that the site was bustling with people not so long ago.

(Image: Natasha McCallum / Exploring with Natasha)

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Much of the equipment McCallum captured in her photos dates back to the 1970s, or even earlier.

(Image: Natasha McCallum / Exploring with Natasha)

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You might have a hard time playing on this dartboard.

(Image: Natasha McCallum / Exploring with Natasha)

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While this might have been an office just a few decades ago, it is difficult to picture yourself getting any work done here today.

(Image: Natasha McCallum / Exploring with Natasha)

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It is funny to think of all of the meals that might have been cooked in this oven, given its current state.

(Image: Natasha McCallum / Exploring with Natasha)

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It is mind-boggling how different TVs looked 50 or so years ago.

(Image: Natasha McCallum / Exploring with Natasha)

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