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Driving Scotland’s Route 66, the North Coast 500 | RAC Drive



Driving Scotland’s Route 66, the North Coast 500 | RAC Drive

How to prepare for the North Coast 500

Although by now you are desperate to hop in the car and head out on this great journey – make sure your vehicle is in the best possible condition and you know what the journey has in store for you.

Planning a successful road trip isn’t as easy as it might sound, even if you’re remaining in the UK.

Share the drive on your road trip

Before you set off on a big trip it’s worth asking yourself: can I share the driving responsibilities with somebody else?

It’s more than just making sure everyone gets to have a nap or check their phone – there are some real safety benefits to splitting the driving between your group.

Driving for extended periods of time takes a lot of concentration and can make us tired, a state that could lead to an accident. Rotating with one or more drivers will ensure your concentration level remains high and you stay alert.

Take regular breaks

The government’s road safety campaign, Think! recommends taking a 15-minute break every two to three hours. As the sole driver, regular breaks allow us to return to the wheel with concentration restored.

Pack essential road trip items

Good drivers are always prepared – so make sure you have some essentials with you on your North Coast 500 road trip.

These include important documents such as your driving licence, car insurance details and details of you breakdown cover.

All cars should also have a sat-nav or a map; loose change to pay for parking; a first-aid kit; water and food; a torch; tools for if you break down or get a flat tyre; entertainment for child passengers, sunglasses; toiletries; your suitcases with hot and cold weather options – and anything else to make the journey both safe and fun. The RAC Shop stocks all car essentials so you can ensure you’re fully prepared for your trip.

If you are looking for fuel on your journey, download the myRAC app – it lists the latest petrol and diesels costs and will help you find the nearest fuel station with the lowest prices. 

Packing the car for the NC500

For a smooth and safe drive, it is important to evenly distribute the weight of your items across the car.

Place the heaviest items in the back of the boot and do not have anything that can block the view out the front window. This can lead to a fine.

If you have a roof rack or a bike rack – make sure that it is secured to your vehicle and there is no chance anything will become loose.

What else should you do before starting the NC500?

Perhaps the most important part of preparing for your trip is making sure your vehicle is in prime condition.

Here, the RAC hashighlighted 12 essential car maintenance checks you should be doing before heading out on Scotland’s ‘Route 66’.

Don’t forget your breakdown cover!

If you don’t already have breakdown cover in place, organise it before you start the North Coast 500.

The RAC can provide road recovery services, meaning you have the security of roadside assistance throughout your road trip should the unexpected happen.

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