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Enterprise agency reveals blueprint to boost jobs and innovation in Scotland



Enterprise agency reveals blueprint to boost jobs and innovation in Scotland

Scotland’s enterprise agency has launched a plan which could help create tens of thousands of jobs across the country, along with billions for the economy.

Scottish Enterprise said that work to scale up innovation – one of three missions it has set itself – alone could result in more than 60,000 jobs being created by 2030, with the companies involved able to generate almost £14bn additional annual turnover by then.

Chief executive Adrian Gillespie hailed the plan, which will require some restructuring within the organisation, as a “blueprint to enable our businesses to deliver high value jobs, boost their levels of innovation and productivity, and create wealth for Scotland’s economy”.

He added that the work “signals the start of a different approach for Scottish Enterprise, making sure we do everything we can, alongside our partners, to support ambitious businesses and entrepreneurs and deliver a successful, growing economy for all of Scotland”.

First Minister Humza Yousaf said the strategy being put forward “builds on a strong track record of achievement” from the enterprise agency.

Over the last five years, Scottish Enterprise said it had helped create and safeguard 75,000 jobs across Scotland – which in turn raised £900m worth of income tax.

The agency has also provided £87m of capital investment grant support to businesses over this period, with this money bringing in a further £460m from other sources.

Its plan comes after work by the Scottish Government raised concerns that low levels of innovation and productivity are barriers to business.

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