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First Minister’s infected blood scandal statement



First Minister’s infected blood scandal statement

Compensation package ‘another massive step forward’ says victimpublished at 14:25

So as we’ve been reporting UK government minister John Glen has set out details of the infected blood compensation scheme in the House of Commons.

He says interim payments of £210,000 will go to the most urgent cases, while the final scheme becomes operational.

The money will go to people who “may not live” to see the full scheme rolled out.

Martin Reid was infected with Hepatitis C in the early 1980’s when he was a small child and was being treated for Haemophilia.

He tells Radio Scotland’s Lunchtime Live the compensation announcement is “another milestone in this journey to justice”

“The government has accepted that there’s a need for compensation and the reason for that is because harms have been done.

“There are certain elements of it that need to be discussed and looked at in further detail, but I think overall on the whole it’s just another massive positive step forward.

“I think the fact that there’s been a number of different people affecte that have never been recognised up until now that were mentioned today, will hopefully give them some hope that justice will be available to them very, very soon.”

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