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Getting rid of the issue of Scottish independence is a prize worth fighting for



Getting rid of the issue of Scottish independence is a prize worth fighting for

There is another general election campaign going on in Britain just now and, depending on your point of view, it’s happily devoid of the supposed glamour and razzmatazz that’s accompanied Nigel Farage’s entry into the battle in England and Wales.

Still, that’s not to say that there’s nothing worth winning in the Scottish battle. Indeed three of the five parties – or six if we generously count Alba – think that getting rid of the issue of independence is a prize worth fighting for.

It’s a tall order but at least if Labour, Conservatives and Lib Dems can knock the policy of breaking up Britain from its current place at the top of the Scottish political agenda, they’d be doing the country a massive favour. After all, as every election and one national referendum has proved it has never been supported by a majority of Scots.

In the 2014 referendum it gained 45 per cent support. But still its supporters complained and moaned that they needed another go – and who knows probably another after that – even if in all the 17 years the SNP has been in power its sole preoccupation has been securing that second referendum.

An NHS that works for everyone without massive waiting lists, an education system that works for everyone, especially the children from the poorest backgrounds and an economy that works, without major companies and potential investors worrying about the dangers that might come in taking Scotland out of the United Kingdom.

These are the priorities that the SNP have chosen to ignore which is all the more reason why it’s good to see the nats being very much the meat in a sandwich with Labour, the Tories and the Lib Dems all looking – at least as far as just about every opinion poll is concerned – likely to take most of their 47 constituencies off them on July 4.

‘More than a bit irritated’

It’s not a situation which pleases John Swinney, the latest of three leaders of the SNP in the last year. Indeed, for a man who’s generally managed to keep reasonably calm for all of the quarter of a century he’s been at the top of the SNP, he’s getting more than a bit irritated nowadays.

And infuriating him is what he says is an “orchestrated” attempt by the UK government to undermine devolution and second guess the Scottish Parliament. There are two unfortunate aspects of the First Minister’s anger.

The first is the plan to make gender reassignment a “reserved” issue – i.e. a matter which would be wholly the responsibility of the Commons.

Nicola Sturgeon wanted all Scots over the age of 16 to be able to change their gender through a simple declaration but that measure was vetoed by the UK government and all future gender issues are likely to be the responsibility of Westminster. Swinney says this would take powers away from Holyrood and make it look “subservient”.

He was immediately and accurately tackled by no less an opponent than author JK Rowling, a long time critic of Sturgeon’s attitudes on trans and gender issues. 

And, of course, what First Minister Swinney refuses to acknowledge is that if his government concentrated on issues like the NHS, education and the economy, instead of gender recognition, there would be no need for the UK government to intervene.

That’s a basic political lesson that more than a few SNP MPs may well learn on July 4.

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