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Glasgow man who had a stroke at 34 set to take on major fitness challenge



Glasgow man who had a stroke at 34 set to take on major fitness challenge

A Glasgow man who suffered a stroke when he was only 34 is hoping to become an inspiration to others with health issues as he takes on a major fitness challenge. Craig Smith, a solicitor, experienced the health scare 10 years ago and had a pacemaker fitted due to vasovagal blackouts two years later.

Following the stroke, Craig started a journey to improve his health, ramping it up after the Covid pandemic. And tomorrow, he is set to take on the high-energy Hyrox fitness race taking place at the SEC in Glasgow, where he will be raising money for Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland, reports Glasgow Live.

Craig said: “If I tell people I’ve had a stroke or a pacemaker I get the reaction of ‘Oh but you’re so young’. People have a certain image of what a stroke survivor or pacemaker recipient looks like. But people can live with these conditions. I’ve been very lucky and I’m very aware with these conditions, sometimes it’s the cards you’re dealt.

“I’ve got very vivid memories of lying in a hospital bed thinking ‘What’s my life going to be like?’. I had slurred speech following my stroke, but it cleared up quite quickly. I also had a lot of weakness in my left side.”

“I was lucky and recovered well physically in a couple of months. However, I was still experiencing a lot of mental fatigue at work even after 18 months. 10 years on I’m fitter and stronger than I was. My quality of life is a lot better and I’m a lot more active.

“I know there will be someone who is sitting right now at home or in hospital in their 30s or 40s thinking, ‘How did I get here?’ I want them to know – you’re there now but you’re not there forever.”

Craig is taking on the Hyrox fitness race at the SEC on Sunday(Image: Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland)

The 44-year-old is taking part in the relay version of Hyrox, which will see him tackle a 1km run, followed by a 152kg sled push for 50m, a second 1km run, then a farmer’s carry with two 24kg kettlebells for 200m.

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