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Huge jobs growth seen in Scotland’s renewables sector



Huge jobs growth seen in Scotland’s renewables sector

It has pushed onshore wind into second place, with the third largest number of jobs now coming from heating our homes through technologies like heat pumps.

The industry body commissioned the research because it says there’s no reliable government statistics that reflect the industry’s growth.

The findings come with a significant margin of error and so there are calls for more robust official data gathering.

The largest number of roles are in construction, which depends heavily on continued growth of renewables projects.

Claire Mack, chief executive of Scottish Renewables, said: “The renewable energy industry is the biggest economic opportunity we have in Scotland.

“While our members continue to focus on delivering the projects we will need to meet our climate ambitions, as an industry we want to clearly demonstrate how we are benefiting not only Scotland’s but the UK’s economies as we transition to a net-zero future.”

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