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Let’s play nice? Remember, it was the SNP that poisoned the well of political discourse in Scotland



Let’s play nice? Remember, it was the SNP that poisoned the well of political discourse in Scotland

To do so, he’d have to rewrite the past decade-and-a-half and his full-hearted support for Sturgeon’s role therein.

For instance, she made no bones about saying that she “detested” Tories

But it was on the issue of gender reform that she was even more scathing about her opponents.

In one outspoken tirade, she accused them of cloaking themselves in women’s rights but added: “They’re transphobic … and you’ll also find that they’re deeply misogynist, often homophobic, possibly some of them racist as well.”

However, the former first minister did confess – well, sort of – that she was part of the problem in Scotland’s toxic politics, a confession that will find many in agreement with her. 

And she singled out the gender issue in particular where she believed that if she took herself out of the debate, discussion of the subject could become a bit better.

Of that hope she accepts that she was wrong. 

But she did say that her belief in her culpability was one of the reasons why she resigned as party leader and first minister last year. 

Really? I would have thought that there are many voters who might suggest that there are other reasons for her departure.

Such as the general chaos in her party, perhaps, and the fact that the police were investigating the disappearance of over £600,000 from the SNP’s coffers.

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