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My daily horoscope: What will June 12th 2023 bring for MY star sign? Oscar Cainer tells all 



My daily horoscope: What will June 12th 2023 bring for MY star sign? Oscar Cainer tells all 

Even the fastest horse won’t win the race if the jockey loses focus.

To be effective, strength needs to have purpose allied to a sense of direction.

As Mercury (intellect) aligns proactively with dynamic Mars, success is within reach. But it requires self-belief, energy and commitment.

If we have all three, not only will we get to the finishing line, but the prize will be worth treasuring.


Mar 21 – Apr 20 

When people criticise movies, they sometimes say they’re ‘unrealistic’ . . . which is ironic, as adults often tell kids not to believe what they see in the movies! Real life is more complex and less black and white than the dramas we see on our screens. Caped crusaders don’t save the day. And heroes are messy, flawed normal people just like us. But that’s not to say we can’t have our Hollywood moments — those rare times when things fall magically into place. One of those is heading your way. 

You can use the exceptional celestial energy to create positive change. For valuable insight and news call 0906 751 5601.

As Mercury (intellect) aligns proactively with dynamic Mars, success is within reach. But it requires self-belief, energy and commitment


Apr 21 – May 21 

‘Right’ and ‘wrong’ are simple words. They trip off the tongue with ease. The trouble is we want to be right. Only those with self-esteem issues see ourselves as ‘wrong’. And if that’s what’s going on, there’s a good chance we’re wrong to see ourselves in the wrong! Similarly, over-confident people are often wrong to see themselves as right. No wonder life’s so complex! If you’re confused about the right thing to do, that’s healthy. Don’t jump to conclusions. You need to reconsider your options. 

How can you benefit from this week’s powerful astrological outlook? It can change your life. For good news, call 0906 751 5602.


 May 22 – June 22 

The idea of ‘getting away from it all’ seems strange when you think about it. I’m not sure that’s what we really mean. Maybe we’re not really trying to escape. Maybe we just want a chance to experience ourselves without the ever present responsibilities and obligations we live with. Ideally, you’d be in a place where you could get fresh perspective. You have a decision to make, and it will have a notable effect on your future. If you consult the inner you today, you’ll know what to do. 

Take full advantage of the inspiring cosmic climate; solve your problems and find solutions! Call 0906 751 5603.


June 23 – July 23

Some people think that if you picture something in your mind’s eye, you can make it real. If only it were that straightforward! Although that idea is an over-simplification of a complex psychological process, while you can’t bring anything into being just by imagining it, if you can’t imagine it, it’s highly unlikely it will manifest in your world. You have a vision. And you can see what you need to do to implement it. Stay focused. To turn your vision into reality you need to do everything in your power to make it happen. 

In a week of powerful cosmic activity, take advantage of the potential for transformation. Call 0906 751 5604.

My daily horoscope: What will June 12th 2023 bring for MY star sign? Oscar Cainer tells all

My daily horoscope: What will June 12th 2023 bring for MY star sign? Oscar Cainer tells all 


July 24 – Aug 23

I’ve got a scenario for you. Picture someone who’s gifted at writing, but lacks the discipline and motivation needed to complete their novel. One day, they get inadvertently involved in a situation that ends with them being wrongly imprisoned. It takes a few weeks before their innocence is realised and they’re set free. With nothing else to do, they write a bestseller. As Saturn prepares to turn retrograde, it’s worth thinking about what’s holding you back. Does it give you the opportunity to realise a talent? 

You’ve got lots to look forward to! Find inspiration in your latest four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5605.


Aug 24 – Sep 23 

Different people have different priorities. To the conductor of an orchestra, it’s perfect tuning and exquisite playing. For the head of finance, it’s about profit and gain. So . . . what matters most to you today? Before you start to work it out, it’s worth remembering that what ‘matters’ is a question of perspective. Luckily, you have a natural ability that enables you to see a situation from different angles. While this can sometimes make things more difficult than they need to be, right now, it gives you an advantage. 

Even if you don’t usually call your in-depth prediction, you should hear the inspiring news. Call 0906 751 5606.


Sep 24 – Oct 23 

We ARE all students at the University of Life. When lecturers meet in their coffee breaks, even they talk to one another about how little they know. We start learning from the moment we arrive here . . . and we never stop. Life constantly provides us with opportunities to further our education. It’s up to us to decide how much effort we put into gaining knowledge and new experience. Sometimes though, those opportunities are hidden. Look closely at what’s unfolding in your world. It hides a revelation. 

Capture the powerful energy of the positively star-filled skies. Call your in-depth, four-minute forecast: 0906 751 5607.


Oct 24 – Nov 22 

Bosses tend to imagine they’ve got the best ideas. That they’re in the driving seat: the real movers and shakers of the business. But major corporations are more complicated than that. In fact, many people, at all levels, think they’re in charge, driving new initiatives, and spearheading new ideas. In our own, personal worlds, we’re similar. We make executive decisions and tell ourselves what to do. Don’t let your sensible, pragmatic side override your emotional responses. Today, your heart knows best. Fulfil your dreams! 

Let the week’s powerful celestial outlook reveal your heart’s true desires. For good news call 0906 751 5608.


Nov 23 – Dec 21

Try this test: you’re not going to think about ice cream from now until the end of your prediction. Oh! Did you misunderstand? If not, why are you thinking about ice cream when I asked you not to? Let’s try again. Have you managed to erase all thoughts of it from your mind? Nothing makes a topic more interesting than when it’s forbidden! Although you can’t ignore something you find fascinating, think about it in a productive and constructive way. 

Take full advantage of the inspiring cosmic climate. Solve your problems and find solutions! Call 0906 751 5609.


Dec 22 – Jan 20 

I know people who staunchly believe that dreams have nothing to do with their waking lives. Others, keep ‘dream diaries’, and consult dream experts to work out what those sleeping messages are trying to reveal. Dreams, they argue, are the keys to our unconscious. If we pay them enough attention, we can unlock our deepest desires and understand the unrecognised fears that hold us back. An ‘impossibility’ is looking increasingly realistic in your world. Have the confidence to trust in your dreams. 

In a week of cosmic creativity, you can transform your life. For four minutes of valuable news call 0906 751 5610.


Jan 21 – Feb 19

When we’re a bit hungry, we’re not fussy about what we eat. But sometimes, when we’re really hungry, we get picky. There’s nothing in the fridge that takes our fancy — we don’t like the look of this, and that won’t quite do the trick. When we have a real need, part of us doesn’t want that need to be satisfied. So we get picky about how our need will be met. As Saturn slows to turn retrograde, just because it doesn’t look perfect, don’t spurn an offer that can help you make progress. 

Powerful changes are possible as the planets positively combine. Make the most of their influence. Call 0906 751 5611.


Feb 20 – Mar 20 

Not only are you under pressure to answer a question or solve a challenging puzzle, you’re expected to take on a specific role. Someone, whose opinion matters, wants you to do something that suits their needs (but not yours). If you’re able to fulfil their requirements without endangering your sense of self and your autonomy, then go ahead. You’re a flexible Piscean. But don’t push yourself to a place where you risk breaking. Saturn, slowing down in your sign, empowers you to say no. 

In a time of celestial creativity, you can transform your life. Your week ahead forecast is packed with news. Call 0906 751 5612. 

  • Calls cost 80p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge. To report a phone line problem, call 0800 138 9789. Go to and join the 5 Star Service for personalised messages, audio, video, discounts on full readings, and more! 
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