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Publication of the Strategy | Transport Scotland



Publication of the Strategy | Transport Scotland

On 5 February 2020, former Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure and Connectivity, Michael Matheson MSP, laid the National Transport Strategy to the Scottish Parliament.

The Strategy was developed through three pillars: evidence gathering, collaborative working with partners and stakeholder engagement across Scotland.

The diagram below shows the Strategy’s compelling vision statement for a sustainable, inclusive, safe and accessible transport system, helping deliver a healthier, fairer and more prosperous Scotland for communities, businesses and visitors. This vision is underpinned by four interconnected priorities: Reduces Inequalities, Takes Climate Action, Helps Deliver Inclusive Economic Growth and Improves our Health and Wellbeing, with associated outcomes.

The three-pillar approach to develop the Strategy, namely stakeholder engagement, collaboration with partners and building an evidence base, earned Transport Scotland a commendation at the Chartered Institute of Highways and Transportation (CIHT) awards in 2020. In recognition of his leadership of the Strategy, Michael Matheson MSP – as Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero, Energy and Transport – was awarded the Honorary Fellowship of the CIHT in December 2021.

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