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Recruitment Call Out: Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Advisory Group



Recruitment Call Out: Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Advisory Group

Do you have expertise of the various aspects of Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI), through lived experience and/or through professional knowledge?

We are inviting up to 12 members to join our EDI Advisory Group to help guide Creative Scotland’s work in this area for three years from February 2024.

The group will meet at least four times per year and meetings will be facilitated by Creative Scotland’s Head of EDI, Kim Simpson.

Drop-In Session FAQs

We hosted an online drop-in session – view the questions that were asked at the session.

Download the Drop-In Session FAQs (downloads a .dotx Word document)

Purpose of the group

Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion is a priority for Creative Scotland. We know this is crucial to the quality and richness of creative activity, and in making sure as many people as possible can access and participate in arts and culture across Scotland. We also have a legal duty to tackle inequalities and eliminate discrimination.

Creative Scotland sets EDI Outcomes every four years. These help to make sure equalities, diversity, and inclusion is understood and applied in all our work. The purpose of the EDI Advisory Group is to help Creative Scotland achieve these outcomes and to help us set new ones.

Our current EDI Outcomes cover 2022-2026 and you can read more about these on the Creative Scotland website

In simple terms, these outcomes relate to four areas:

  • Who benefits from Creative Scotland funds
  • Who makes decisions about Creative Scotland’s funds and work
  • How we know we are making the right decisions through feedback, data and evaluation
  • Who makes up the staff, board and leadership of Creative Scotland

What will you do on the EDI Advisory Group?

  • Share your view of Creative Scotland’s funding programmes and development work, helping ensure support is accessible and reflects the increasing diversity of Scotland’s population.
  • Contribute to an annual review of performance against Creative Scotland’s Equalities Outcomes.
  • Work with Creative Scotland staff and Board to identify and inform key EDI issues and opportunities.
  • Support the development of new partnerships and networks which will support Creative Scotland to fully deliver against its EDI Outcomes.

How will the group work?

Members will be appointed in February 2024 for three years.

There will be an induction day on 20 February 2024 for those who are appointed.

The Group will meet four times per year:

  • three 2-hour meetings
  • a half-day session at the end of each year

There may be optional additional meetings for issues that need further work.

Meetings take place on weekdays and are hybrid – a mix of online and in-person.

They will be facilitated by Creative Scotland’s Head of EDI with support from colleagues. Guests from Creative Scotland and the sector may also be invited to some meetings.

Before each meeting, you will need to read supporting papers or undertake related tasks. We will ask you to tell us your access requirements to make sure you have the time to do this.

Fees, expenses and access support

We will:

  • Ensure all information and meetings fully meet the needs of each member.
  • Pay Advisory Group members a fee of £200 per day to cover preparation work and attendance at the Advisory Group core meetings
  • Pay Advisory Group members a fee of £200 per day to cover their optional participation in additional meetings
  • Pay travel and access costs, where relevant, and agreed in advance with the Head of EDI or in line with access information discussed on appointment.

Who can apply

The Group will be made up of a diverse range of individuals, each with expertise and experience across different areas relevant to the work of Creative Scotland. This includes a strong working knowledge of the opportunities and challenges within one or more of the following protected characteristics:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender Reassignment
  • Marriage and Civil Partnership
  • Pregnancy and Maternity
  • Race
  • Religion or Belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual Orientation

We are also interested to hear from those who can contribute though their expertise on approaches around:

  • Socio-economic Inequalities
  • Health Inequalities
  • Mental Health
  • Issues facing migrants and refugees
  • Intersectional perspectives

We welcome applications from people working outside the creative sector or people with a strong personal interest in arts and culture.

How and when to apply

  • Submit a CV and statement in a format that is suitable to you, inclusive of written, sound recorded or video formats.
  • Applications and supporting materials can be written in English, Gaelic or Scots.

The statement should:

  • be no longer than two pages (if written)
  • be no longer than 6 minutes (if recorded)
  • set out your reason for wanting to join the Group
  • outline your key area or areas of expertise and interest
  • state one to two issues you would like to address though your membership of the Group

Email your application to [email protected] by midday Friday 2 February.

How we will select the group members

Each application will be assessed against the following criteria:

  • Relevant experience, knowledge and expertise in the fields of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Scotland and/or UK (60%)
  • Familiarity with the arts, screen and creative industries in Scotland (20%)
  • Breadth of knowledge relating to delivering, leading or managing developmental, capacity building, advisory or specific issue-based activities (20%)

We will also aim to ensure that the membership is diverse across protected characteristics and lived experiences, whilst also considering intersectionality.

Key Dates

  • Informal drop-in with BSL & Captioning: 10am – 11am Monday 22 January 2024
  • Application Deadline: midday Friday 2 February 2024
  • Application Outcome: Friday 9 February 2024
  • Induction Day: Tuesday 20 February 2024 in Glasgow, 10am – 4pm, including rest and pacing time, lunch and access provision
  • End of Tenure: End February 2027


Kim Simpson, Head of Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +44 (0)7970 196 905

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