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Research suggests hybrid working in Scotland ‘levelling out’



Research suggests hybrid working in Scotland ‘levelling out’

The number of employees in Scotland working in a hybrid way (39%) is now levelling out, with 39% also working fully in an office setting.

This balance between hybrid and solely office-based work indicates a gradual, but noticeable, swing to full-time office working, according to new research by Hays.

However, almost a quarter (22%) of professionals in Scotland work fully remotely.

The research also showed that more than half (56%) of workers would accept a job in the future even if it didn’t offer hybrid working, with 44% stating that they wouldn’t accept a role that didn’t offer a hybrid working approach.

The survey of nearly 15,000 professionals and employers – including 886 from Scotland – found that nearly two thirds of employers in Scotland (68%) are offering hybrid working, yet more than a quarter (27%) anticipate their hybrid working offering will change over the next 12 months, and that they will require increased staff attendance.

Hays Scotland director Keith Mason commented: “It’s clear from our research that there’s still no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to how staff want to work and how flexible employers are willing to be.

“Productivity levels can significantly vary from person to person depending on where they’re working and at what time of day, and what suits one person might not suit another, so it’s important for employers to take these individual preferences into account.

“We’ve certainly seen an increase in people travelling to work in recent months,“ he continued. “Hybrid working is still there, but it’s much less than before.

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