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Russell Grant’s Horoscopes as Aries urged to plan ahead carefully



Russell Grant’s Horoscopes as Aries urged to plan ahead carefully

Today’s daily horoscopes for each star sign can be found below. These forecasts have been compiled by astrologer Russell Grant, who has been reading signs for more than 50 years.


Unless you plan carefully from the start you could end up achieving far less than you were hoping for. Trying to deal with a hundred and one different tasks at the same time will result in you seeing none through to completion. Good organisation is essential.


If recently you have been determined to get on and do more with your life, the time has come to let your family and others who matter, in on that fact. Discussions could reveal a great way to get started on such ambitions. Your intuition helps you sense where best to aim your attention.


Suggestions from a relative or senior colleague will make you feel they are criticising your work or methods. Don’t get defensive when your efforts are questioned. Once you’ve considered their words, you will realise they are trying to be helpful. Home entertaining later on, will go well.


Someone close will share a special dream they have with you. You have it within you to make this come true for them. With your support they will be able to take a step towards a cherished goal. Your upbeat attitude will have a positive impact on anyone sharing time with you today.


Snags and petty arguments will slow progress to a snail’s pace. Try not to get too disheartened. Some problems will eventually reveal themselves to have been a storm in a teacup. A partner or close friend will have a good understanding of issues you are currently trying to resolve.


You need to put some serious thought into decisions you are making. They will have far-reaching consequences. You can cope but you would also appreciate it if other people were willing to help with your burdens. Someone will be interested to learn all you can teach them.


There are important chores to be done but not necessarily straight away. You would be happy to either leave these for another day or you will let other people attend to these in your place. You don’t see this as shirking your responsibility. You are taking a welldeserved rest.

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