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Russell Grant’s Horoscopes as Libra set for surprise offer with implications



Russell Grant’s Horoscopes as Libra set for surprise offer with implications

Today’s daily horoscopes for each star sign can be found below. These daily forecasts have been compiled by astrologer Russell Grant, who has been reading star signs for more than 50 years.


You won’t be in the mood to fall in with usual routines and you aren’t going to pretend otherwise. You’ll try to keep your mind on the present but memories of past holidays and thoughts of future travel possibilities will take over. You will feel more relaxed when able to let your mind wander.


Job and outside matters are causing some tension and discord. You are disappointed with the way certain people cut corners just to get jobs done and you know that this means there will be problems ahead for you. You’d rather do things properly and it’s frustrating all round.


You could talk the hind legs off a donkey. People will support you as you have a way of making everything sound so interesting. You could be surprised by your progress when you had expected to be struggling with a difficult task. It proves how having the right help can make a difference.


If there are any legal issues connected to your current concerns, they will be dragging on longer than you would like or prefer. A communication suggests these should be finally cleared by the end of the week. You are hoping this will be the case. Don’t let things slide.


You were hoping to have received the results of an application, interview or examination by now. Keep telling yourself that your wait will soon be over. Friends you are in touch with share your wavelength. They know you are concerned about a private matter and will want to help.


You wouldn’t have so many problems getting things done if other people sharing your world took their responsibilities as seriously as you do. It would also help if a housemate or workmate was more cooperative. You’re tired of hearing their complaints. You have a few of your own to air too.

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