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Scotland launches national events strategy – Access All Areas



Scotland launches national events strategy – Access All Areas

Scottish Government has updated its national events strategy, which it said was designed with the aim of providing strategic focus for all involved in the planning, securing and delivery of events across the country.

The result of an “extensive” consultation with events industry representatives last year,  it said the refreshed strategy is set to “drive forward Scotland’s events sector across the next decade”.

Scotland the Perfect Stage 2024-2035 focuses on a range of national priority outcomes and critical success factors for the sector. It is the result of a consultation process that involved more than 300 organisations and individuals.

The strategy has been created with input from Scottish Government, VisitScotland’s events directorate, Scotland’s Event Industry Advisory Group (EIAG), he Convention of Scottish Local Authorities and Trade Union representatives.

The strategy’s vision is centred on three focus areas: developing events, developing the industry and developing Scotland. EIAG said it will help develop and oversee the action plan.

Culture secretary Angus Robertson said the launch of Scotland the Perfect Stage 2024-2035 marks a significant milestone for Scotland’s events sector: “This strategy is a testament to our collaborative efforts and shared ambition, designed to build on our achievements and address the challenges ahead.

“With a focus on inclusive and responsible events, investment and support, and a dynamic portfolio approach, we’re committed to developing a sustainable events industry that contributes to Scotland’s economy. The new strategy will ensure Scotland remains a global leader in the events industry.”

VisitScotland director of events Paul Bush OBE said, “The impact of this consistent and sustained focus on developing Scotland’s events industry over the last twenty years has been transformative. The refreshed strategy not only emphasises the hugely valuable importance of the sector, but it sets out a shared ambition for the next decade which is critical for ensuring Scotland maintains its world-leading events destination status.”

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