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Scottish army veteran racked up thousands of pounds in debts after brain injury ‘turned him into gambling addict’



Scottish army veteran racked up thousands of pounds in debts after brain injury ‘turned him into gambling addict’

AN ARMY veteran has revealed he racked up £12,000 in gambling debts after a brain injury “turned him into an addict”.

Ex-soldier Fraser Howie, 25, of Paisley, claims horror injuries he suffered in a car crash when he was 18 changed his personality.

The ex-solider was in a car crash and was left with horror injuries

He was left with a broken neck, a fractured skull, eye socket, nose, leg and arms after the car he was travelling in smashed into a tree.

Mr Howie, who was training with the Royal Regiment of Scotland at the time, claims his behaviour changed after the crash, which left him in a coma for six days.

He said: “I was completely oblivious to my gambling addiction – I just thought I was playing online games but had no idea it was causing such huge problems.

“I couldn’t get bookies to waive the debts so that’s why they need to change how their platforms are accessed so brain injury survivors don’t suffer more than they already have.”

He added: “At first we joked about how my lack of smell made me use too much aftershave.

Fraser Howie became addicted to gambling after sustaining a brain injury

“But over time people saw me get unnecessarily angry at trivial things or act erratically.”

He is now calling for access to online gambling sites to be toughened up after he was left owing thousands of pounds.

Mr Howie said: “It’s an out of sight, out of mind thing – if you see a wheelchair user or blind person you are more likely to be sympathetic or adjust your actions for them.

“But with a brain injury it’s assumed you’re stupid as you struggle to read or you’re on drugs because you walk or talk differently – it can be lonely and frustrating because you don’t feel understood.

Fraser wants access to online gambling to be toughened up

“But my life is my own again and I would encourage other survivors to simply not give up.”

Dr Fraser Morrison, consultant clinical psychologist with Alba Psychology has helped with Mr Howie’s recovery.

He said: “Fraser’s ABI acquired brain injury was a diffused injury where a whole area like the frontal lobe is affected rather than one precise part.

“In these cases it causes difficulties in planning, short-term memory, multi-tasking, or triggers addictive behaviour.

“But Fraser is a great example of how ABI survivors can recover and thrive.”

Chris Stewart, the head of the serious injury department at Digby Brown, said: “Sadly we encounter cases like Fraser’s every day, but it makes his account all the more important in the hope of inspiring other survivors, their friends, family and carers.

“That is why we are committed to ensuring people have access to the best legal advice possible to help them regain control of their future.”

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