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September 1: Start this new month with three new promises to yourself



September 1: Start this new month with three new promises to yourself


March 21 to April 20

Your secretive side shows through as the moon casts a mystery spell. It is good to keep certain things to yourself . . . until you can be sure.

In passion terms, your chart is full of pent-up desire, especially when a face from your work past pops back up.

Start this new month with three new promises to yourself.


April 21 to May 21

You could clash with friends as the moon and Mars make sparks — but this is a positive way to get things out in the open and strengthen bonds on every level.

You might feel love is standing still but deep down it is moving forward, so try to go with it.

Single? Don’t rush a dating choice — enjoy the process.


May 22 to June 21

You are the most sociable sign but right now taking some time alone is a positive move.

Trying to please too many people or fill too many gaps stretches your energy. So retreat and reflect!

Spending cash on someone or something you love is a good move but set yourself a limit and stick to it.


June 22 to July 22

The best ambitions for right now come from somewhere secret inside you, so take some time to work out what these are.

The drive of Mars plus the insight of the moon work so well for you.

In love terms, you are physically on fire . . . so clear your diary and set up a hot date. Don’t think, just do it!


July 23 to August 23

A fun-loving traveller finds a special place in your life and this can grow into a business plan with space for both of you to shine.

Take some time to talk it all through — including the tricky parts!

Passion is full of secrets and suggestions, so tune into your heart to “read” a freckled face.


August 24 to September 22

With career and fitness fire in you, the key is choosing how and when to use this.

It might mean looking at an ambition one last time then letting it go, or giving a plan a longer timeframe. As soon as you see the solution, the action starts.

In love terms, trust yourself to know your limits.


September 23 to October 23

Passion and ratings scales connect, so any request to put items or ideas in order can be your romance chance.

If you are already in love, looking at what scores highly between you and what can be improved takes both partners to a positive place.

Shaking up routine linked to children turns back time at home.


October 24 to November 22

Fitness and diet goals will work if they are what you really want — for yourself, not others. Do some deep thinking on this and make those decisions.

With a passion profile full of twists and turns, the strength of your feelings can surprise even yourself.

This is your moment to express them, without frills or thrills.


November 23 to December 21

Messages can be stronger in pictures than words, so do think about how to say what you need to. You will find the best way.

Your romance chart is impulsive and love at first sight is a real possibility, especially where clothes or shoes are being changed.

The third reply to a post or message is lucky.


December 22 to January 20

As cash and home dreams clash, you might need to choose between them. But this is a positive, as streamlining your goals is the first step towards achieving them.

You work well when using various skills in different directions.

Love-wise, you are a heart-healer but don’t take on too many emotional challenges.


January 21 to February 18

The moon whispers what to say but Mars shouts it! This is your communication strategy. Other people need to know what you need.

Yes, you can challenge bad behaviour, including your own.

Venus helps love work feel like fun and partners say “yes” to a shared new deal.


February 19 to March 20

Step away from pure instincts and build logic into every agreement, especially if finances are a factor. This boosts earnings and savings more than you expected.

If you are in love, romance fills the air and a partner can’t resist.

Single? The first person to mention the new month is your fate date.

ZODIAC SIGNS: What’s a star sign and how do I find mine?

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