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Shelley von Strunckel: your horoscope for April 7, 2019



Shelley von Strunckel: your horoscope for April 7, 2019

March 20 – April 19
Few things infuriate you more than pointless rules, yet, however much you manoeuvre, there’s no avoiding them. There is an alternative, and that’s discussing the thinking behind these restrictions. While your initial objective will be to eliminate them, the more you learn, the clearer it will be that, actually, they’re a good idea.
More details from Shelley: 09066 500410*

April 20 – May 20
Many Taureans have a powerful intuitive streak. However, you often ignore it, only to realise later you should have heeded those feelings. Now circumstances are so confused, and your instincts about certain matters so strong, that you feel you’ve no choice but to go with your instincts. This isn’t just wise, it’s also about

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