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SNP MSP blasts Scottish Government after spending plans delayed by Yousaf exit



SNP MSP blasts Scottish Government after spending plans delayed by Yousaf exit

An SNP MSP has blasted the Scottish Government after the publication of vital spending plans was delayed by the resignation of Humza Yousaf.

Kenny Gibson, convenor of Holyrood’s finance committee, hit out after being told the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) would not now be published until June 20.

It means MSPs will have just one week to scrutinise the document before the Scottish Parliament breaks for the summer.

The committee is normally given at least one month to look over such publications.

The report is expected to lay bare the extent of the spending challenges facing SNP ministers in the run-up to the next Holyrood election in 2026.

Gibson voiced his frustration to John-Paul Marks – Scotland’s most senior civil servant – at a committee meeting today.

“I only found out less than an hour ago I was receiving this letter,” the veteran Nationalist said. “Surely sending something along the lines that the strategy will not come out until June 20 isn’t really acceptable from a scrutiny point of view?

“It makes it extremely difficult for clerks to get papers out to members, let alone for members to absorb it, to have any meaningful scrutiny on our last committee before recess.”

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