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SNP squandered my legacy, says Alex Salmond



SNP squandered my legacy, says Alex Salmond

Alex Salmond has accused the SNP of squandering his political legacy by allowing Labour to regain their position as Scotland’s most popular party.

The former SNP leader spent decades attempting to supplant Labour, a feat he achieved when he won the 2007 Holyrood election and became first minister. 

He cemented his position when he claimed a majority four years later.

At a press conference in London, in which he confirmed he would not be a candidate for his Alba Party at the general election, he said it was “agonising” to see pro-UK Labour overtake the SNP.

He added that “all of that effort to replace the Labour Party” had been “thrown away for no apparent reason whatsoever”.

Nine polls in a row have now shown Labour ahead of the SNP in voting intention for Westminster, a position that would have been seen as unthinkable as recently as early last year.

Then, the SNP consistently had a double-digit polling lead. 

Labour 10 points ahead

At the 2019 election, Labour won 18.6 per cent of Scottish votes and returned one MP, while the SNP won 45 per cent of the vote and 48 seats.

However, recent polls have put Labour up to 10 points ahead north of the border.

Mr Salmond launched Alba for the Holyrood elections in 2021, but it failed to win a single seat.

 Until parliament dissolved it had two MPs, who defected from the SNP.

The Alba leader said he would not be on the ballot on July 4, but confirmed he planned to stand for Holyrood in 2026 in the Banffshire and Buchan Coast seat.

He predicted that in two years’ time, Alba would win 15 per cent of the regional vote and return 20 MSPs.

At the general election, it is putting forward 19 candidates, but current polling suggests Alba is not in contention to win any seats.

“This general election is now centred on the realignment of the Right in English politics, Alba believe that it will also point the way to realigning the national movement in Scotland,” Mr Salmond said.

“Fifty per cent of people believe in independence but only around 30 per cent are prepared to vote SNP.

“Alba are saying to these people, don’t stay at home and certainly don’t vote for unionist Labour. Move to Alba and help reinvigorate the national cause in Scotland.”

Relaunching the SNP election campaign at the weekend, John Swinney urged independence supporters not to be tempted by Alba’s hardline stance on separation.

“If you’re interested in Scottish independence, don’t be distracted,” said the party leader. 

“Vote for the SNP because we’re the party of independence and we’ll deliver it.”

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