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SNP’s 115 YEARS of delays on key infrastructure projects exposed



SNP’s 115 YEARS of delays on key infrastructure projects exposed


2-year delay – NHS Tayside – Electrical Infrastructure Zone 2 – Radiotherapy, Maternity and West Ward Block. The Project will provide fully compliant primary electrical infrastructure, for the Radiotherapy, Maternity and West Ward block at Ninewells Hospital. Was supposed to be finished by May 2021 but was only completed in June 2023.

6-year delay – NHS Tayside – Ninewells Electrical Infrastructure Zone 3. Project was supposed to be finished by 2021, was then scheduled for January 2025. Completion date unknown due to 2 year pause on NHS capital projects being paused. (

5-year delay at least – Baird Family Hospital. Scheduled for 2020, now scheduled for Summer 2025.

4-year delay at least – ANCHOR Centre. Scheduled for 2020, NHS Grampian now say it will be completed by late 2024.

3-year delay – Replacement for Edinburgh Eye Pavilion. Originally scheduled for September 2026, now pushed back to late 2027. Completion date unknown due to two-year pause on NHS capital projects being paused.

4-year delay – Livingston National Treatment Centre. Originally scheduled for 2025, now forecast for early 2027. Completion date unknown due to NHS capital projects being paused.

4-year delay – Grampian National Treatment Centre. Originally scheduled for 2025, now forecast for 2027. Completion date unknown due to NHS capital projects being paused.

2-year delay – Edinburgh Cancer Centre. Scheduled for November 2022, now expected May 2024.

4- year delay- Edinburgh Sick Kids. Originally scheduled for May 2017, it opened in March 2021, due to issues around ventilation.

1-year delay – Queen Elizabeth University Hospital. The new hospital, originally named the South Glasgow Hospital Campus, was supposed to be completed by July 2014, however, it was not opened until April 2015.

2-year delay – NHS Forth Valley National Treatment Centre. Scheduled for end of 2022, now expected TBC 2024.


6-year delay – HMP Highland. Originally scheduled for 2020, now expected to be completed by 2026.

3-year delay – National Facility for Women Offenders. Originally scheduled for late 2020, was completed in June 2023.

1-year delay – HMP Glasgow. Planned for 2026 originally, His Majesty’s Inspector of Prisons Scotland said the timeline was likely to slip to 2027.


7-year delay – Ferguson Marine vessels 801 and 802. Vessel 801 was originally due to be delivered in late 2017, with vessel 802 to be delivered a few months after that. However, the most recent announcement confirmed that 801 will not be delivered until July 2024, with 802 not being ready until September 2025.

10-year delay – Dualling of the A9. Dualling of the A9 was originally due to be delivered in 2025. However, Mairi McAllan announced the road between Inverness and Perth would not be fully dualled until 2035.

9-year delay – Aberdeen Bypass. The bypass road round Aberdeen was originally due to be delivered in 2010. However, the bypass was not fully open until 2019.

9-month delay – Queensferry crossing. The Queensferry crossing was originally due to be delivered in December 2016. However, was not opened until August 2017.

12-year delay – Edinburgh Trams. The Edinburgh trams were originally due to be in 2011 for the route between Airport and Newhaven. However, the full route did not open until June 2023, when the tram extension from York Place to Newhaven finally opened.

6-year delay – Reston Train Station. The Reston train station was originally due to be delivered in 2016. However, this station was not opened until May 2022.

6-month delay – Levenmouth Rail project. The Levenmouth rail project was originally due to open in December 2023. This is now expected to be opened in June 2024.

1-year delay – East Kilbride Rail Enhancement. The OBC outlined that the project would be operational in December 2024. The FBC outlines that it is estimated to be operational in December 2025.

9-month delay – Markle Level Crossing Bridge Replacement. The Levenmouth rail project was originally due to open in March 2024. This is now expected to be opened in December 2024.


2-year delay – Wallyford Secondary School. The Wallyford Secondary School was originally due to open in August 2020. However, this school did not open until August 2022.

1-year delay – Currie Community High School. Currie Community High school was originally due to be complete in mid-2024. However, it is now not expected to open until 2025.

7-year delay – Tain 3-18 Campus. Plans for the Tain 3-18 campus were originally approved in 2015. However, these plans were scrapped, with new plans not the approved until April 2022, 7 years later. The campus is expected to open in August 2024.

1-year delay – Ardrossan Community Learning and Innovation Hub. The Ardrossan Community Learning and Innovation Hub was originally due to open in August 2025. However, this was delayed until August 2026.

1-year delay – Stoneywood Primary School. Stoneywood primary school was originally due to be complete by March 2017. However, the school was opened until August 2018.

5-year delay – Dargavel Primary School. Dargavel Primary School was originally due to be complete in November 2021. However, following opening in 2022, it was revealed that the school was built to small. The new school was expected to be built by August 2026 but will now be built by August 2027,

18-month delay – Boroughmuir High School. The new Boroughmuir High School was originally due to open in August 2016. However, the new school was not opened until February 2018.

1-year delay – Dalbeattie High School. Dalbeattie High School was originally due to open in August 2017. However, Dalbeattie High School was not opened until August 2018.

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