The Worst Website In Scottish Football Continues To Talk Absolute Rubbish About Celtic.

Football – Celtic v Seville Friendly Match – Celtic Park – 25/5/04
General View of Celtic Park – Celtic Stadium
Mandatory Credit: Action Images / Lee Smith
Yesterday, our friends at Celts Are Here launched another, welcome, broadside against the website Football Insider. They were correct to do so.
That website is a stain across the media landscape. It infects the whole Scottish football debate. There is no merit to the stuff on that site. None whatsoever, although I often see it cited as a source on mainstream media publications and “gossip” sections of sites like the BBC. It’s not gossip on that site either; that’s way too generous a word.
That site writes outright fiction. Their “insiders” are people so far on the outside of the clubs they write about that you could literally grab the nearest guy in your local bar and he will probably know as much as they do, and probably a lot more.
Today they have an “exclusive” where Keith Wyness is making yet another claim about stuff which is going on inside Celtic. He’s a former Aberdeen CEO who made his debut on that site attacking our club; I wrote about it when he emerged from that sewer over there. The idea that he has a single source within Parkhead is absurd.
Nobody who works on that site did. It’s a repository for people too daft to get a gig on Go Radio or PLZ or one of the other absurd outlets which have propped up filled with football’s nonentities and those too ignorant to get a job on a mainstream outlet … and I say that as somebody who is frankly appalled to discover Allan McGregor will be part of the commentary team for the cup final over on TNT Sport or whatever the Hell Premier is calling itself.
I cannot stress enough how dire this website is. I cannot stress enough that nobody should believe a single word – not one word – they read on it, and I am grateful that another site highlights them whenever they wander into our back yard.
This stuff is not just a minor annoyance. When the mainstream media amplifies the kind of rubbish that appears on there – as they did initially with Wyness – they give a megaphone to half-truths, lies, ignorance and fiction and some of that fiction might prove to be dangerous to us.
The idea that we could spend £40 million this summer originated on that site; on no account will Celtic spend anything remotely like that.
But it raises expectations in a section of our support … Keevins was echoing similarly daft sentiments the other day, making the claim that we are sitting on a surplus of £100 million. There is no way we should be accepting rubbish like that injected into the mainstream debate over our likely summer transfer business. That’s why some might think I’m taking this sort of stuff seriously; it’s because I am, and I am because it’s serious.