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Want to know your Chinese predictions for this week? Read your weekly horoscope for September 4 to 10, 2023



Want to know your Chinese predictions for this week? Read your weekly horoscope for September 4 to 10, 2023

Rat (1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)

The week promises a blend of highs and lows for those born under the Rat sign. It’s a week of contrasts, with the initial days brimming with challenges and surprises, while the latter half settles into a more tranquil pace. It is advised to take things easy during this time, allowing yourself to navigate the shifting energies gracefully.

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Love: Within the realm of love, this week may not yield significant romantic developments. Some Rats might even find themselves contemplating the possibility of ending a relationship, particularly if there’s a misalignment of values and principles with their partner. It’s paramount to exercise patience and thorough consideration before making any irrevocable decisions in matters of the heart.

Friendship: Friendships and interactions with amiable individuals will be a prominent feature of this week. However, it’s essential to maintain a keen sense of awareness. If you find yourself feeling uneasy in the presence of someone, heed this intuition. They may have ulterior motives that are not as concealed as they believe.

Career: In the professional sphere, it’s advisable not to burden yourself with an excessive workload during this week, especially if you have responsibilities at home, such as caring for a young child or managing a pregnancy. Instead, consider this period as an opportunity for evaluation and planning. The time for decisive action will arrive in due course.

Lucky Days:

Love: September 7

Friendship: September 9

Career: September 4

Ox (1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)

For individuals born under the Ox sign, the week ahead calls for an unwavering focus on what truly matters while diligently sidestepping any potential distractions. This period carries the promise of an imminent breakthrough, provided you exercise vigilance in avoiding individuals who have historically hindered your progress.

Love: The sphere of love is unlikely to occupy a central role in your thoughts and actions this week, whether in the context of romantic or platonic relationships. The prevailing energy leans toward self-focus as you prepare to embrace a more productive phase in your life.

Friendship: This week, it becomes crucial to assess the dynamics of your friendships. Are stubbornness, trivial conflicts, or immaturity causing undue strain within your social circle? It’s an opportune moment to engage in introspection and open communication with your friends to strengthen your bonds.

Career: Within your professional life, this week signals a favourable period for charting your career trajectory. Dedicate time to creating detailed plans and strategic roadmaps for your professional growth. Consider exploring productivity tools and methods to enhance your efficiency and preparedness for the journey ahead.

Lucky Days:

Love: September 5

Friendship: September 6

Career: September 7

Tiger (1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)

Tigers, be attuned to the whispers of your dreams and intuition in the week ahead. These inner realms may unveil extraordinary ideas and inspirations. However, it’s imperative to remain impervious to critics who might attempt to steer your creative process. Trust your instincts and disregard those who lack direct involvement in your creative endeavours.

Love: The prevailing energy this week creates an ideal backdrop for love rituals, regardless of whether you’re single or in a relationship. Consider focusing your intentions on what you wish to invite into your love life, engage in collaborative efforts with your partner if applicable, and culminate the process with a candle ritual for manifestation.

Friendship: If you suddenly feel compelled to share thoughts or concerns with a friend this week, don’t hesitate to do so. Fate often orchestrates moments when your friends become instrumental in offering guidance and support at the precise juncture when you need it most.

Career: In your career, it’s vital to exercise caution when it comes to your pride. This week may introduce situations marked by disagreements and varying perspectives, which are entirely normal in professional contexts. Rather than resorting to confrontation, aim to identify common ground and demonstrate a willingness to understand differing viewpoints while articulating your own.

Lucky Days:

Love: September 7

Friendship: September 7

Career: September 8

Rabbit (1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023)

Rabbits are poised to experience extraordinary times and blessings in the week ahead. Fate is actively encouraging creativity and an infusion of fun into your life. However, it’s paramount not to let workaholism hinder your capacity to savour and embrace these beautiful gifts bestowed upon you.

Love: In the domain of love, patience is the virtue to uphold this week. Mistakes are an inherent part of human interactions. It’s essential not to bear the entire burden of blame but rather to collaboratively explore avenues for rectifying any issues that may have arisen. Working together is key to resolving challenges.

Friendship: This week warrants a close examination of your friendships. It’s an opportune time to engage in self-reflection and journal your authentic sentiments regarding your friends. Are these relationships supportive, or could there be hidden agendas at play? Evaluating these dynamics can lead to a deeper understanding of your social connections.

Career: The career aspect of your life is poised to enter a fortunate phase during this week. By maintaining unwavering focus, diligence, and meticulous organization, you’ll navigate this period with relative ease, paving the way for substantial professional growth. However, it’s crucial to avoid hasty or impatient actions as you approach pivotal milestones.

Lucky Days:

Love: September 7

Friendship: September 9

Career: September 9

Dragon (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024)

Dragons have the power to shape their week. Focus on your top priorities and set the stage for future success by determining what truly matters to you.

Love: You deserve the right kind of love. Create self-care affirmations to improve your love life. Prioritize respect and kindness in your relationships.

Friendship: Use the week’s energy for a “flip the script” ritual. Write grievances on one side of a paper and hopes on the other, then burn it to symbolize letting go of old chapters and embracing new beginnings.

Career: In your career, refrain from making hasty decisions. Gather more information and be cautious of those who may try to pressure you into decisions prematurely.

Lucky Days:

Love: September 10

Friendship: September 10

Career: September 9

Snake (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025)

Snakes should avoid unnecessary risks this week. The energy may not be in your favour, so focus on practicality and maintain composure in challenging situations.

Love: In your love life, trust your intuition’s guidance. Act on your inner wisdom and avoid letting fear hinder the deepening of your relationships.

Friendship: Expect potential frustrations in your friendships this week. Don’t take it personally if friends are busy or withhold information. Exercise patience and avoid taking insecurities personally.

Career: You’re entering a fortunate phase in your career. Keep your affairs in order, stay diligent, and you’ll advance smoothly. Be cautious not to rush as you approach career milestones.

Lucky Days:

Love: September 4

Friendship: September 5

Career: September 6

Horse (1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

Horses will face decisions this week. Maintain calmness and evaluate situations before making choices.

Love: Take notice of the romantic connections within your close-knit circle and family. You might unconsciously copy some of their behaviours, especially the ones that are not healthy.

Friendship: Consider arranging an enjoyable get-together with your pals. If your usual group is occupied, consider joining a team of individuals looking to engage in activities together, such as gaming, reading, or sports.

Career: Be cautious if your work involves relying on others. There’s a risk of experiencing delays or unexpected technical issues. In extreme cases, conflicts may erupt if tempers get out of control within the team.

Lucky Days:

Love: September 7

Friendship: September 8

Career: September 8

Goat (1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

The week ahead brings a message of introspection for those born under the Goat sign. It’s a time to be attuned to your innermost feelings and instincts. Some of you might be on the brink of a potential heartbreak or betrayal, and it’s crucial to listen to your intuition and not dismiss its warnings.

Love: In matters of love, the upcoming week might unfold in extremes. Your romantic experiences could either be exceptionally positive or quite challenging, depending on the people you choose to engage with. Be mindful not to grant undue influence to someone who raises red flags in your life.

Friendship: Friendship takes center stage on September 4. It’s an excellent opportunity to express your appreciation for the true friends who have stood by you. Whether through small tokens of affection or shared experiences like a spa day, nurturing your bonds can strengthen your friendships.

Career: On the career front, exercise caution in your speech and assumptions during the week. Careless words could inadvertently create conflicts with colleagues or superiors. Maintain your professional boundaries and avoid compromising situations, ensuring a harmonious work environment.

Lucky Days:

Love: September 5

Friendship: September 4

Career: September 4

Monkey (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

For Monkeys, the week ahead is marked by a favorable energy that supports assertiveness and self-expression. Regardless of any conflicts or drama that may arise, trust in your abilities to rise above challenges and claim the recognition and success that rightfully belong to you.

Love: In matters of love, you and your partner face a choice. It’s a pivotal moment to decide whether to nurture your relationship, embracing both its magical and ordinary aspects, or to let it fade away. If you’re single, this week is an opportunity for dedicated self-care and personal growth.

Friendship: This week prompts self-reflection on your friendships. Consider how you feel if someone outside your circle likens you to your friends. Is this a compliment or a criticism? Journal your thoughts and feelings about this matter, as the truth can provide valuable insights.

Career: In your career, this week encourages you to take a chance on yourself. Don’t hesitate to suggest innovative ideas to your boss, explore new ventures, or invest time in learning and personal development through books and educational resources.

Lucky Days:

Love: September 4

Friendship: September 5

Career: September 6

Rooster (1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

Roosters can anticipate a week filled with ease and inspiration. Ideas will flow effortlessly, and the choice to seize these opportunities rests in your hands. It’s a time of abundance and recognition, so make the most of it.

Love: In matters of the heart, while significant developments may not occur this week, it’s essential to respect boundaries and let love develop organically. Should anyone disrespect your boundaries, be prepared to assert yourself.

Friendship: Your friends are valuable allies during this period. Don’t hesitate to seek their support when needed. Celebrate the strong friendships you’ve nurtured, as they are a cause for celebration in themselves.

Career: The realm of career presents opportunities for continued progress. Your hard work and talents are receiving recognition, resulting in career advancement. While success is evident, maintain your momentum and keep moving forward.

Lucky Days:

Love: September 7

Friendship: September 8

Career: September 9

Dog (1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

The week holds the promise of heightened creativity for individuals born under the Dog sign. Don’t hold back due to insecurities, as your talents far exceed any doubts or criticisms from others.

Love: Challenges may arise in your love life this week. Be cautious of deceit and white lies, as even seemingly harmless untruths can lead to trouble. Transparency and open communication are essential in navigating these testing times.

Friendship: When it comes to friendship, peer pressure could exert undue influence this week, potentially leading to regrets. Exercise caution and prioritize your well-being.

Career: In your career, the week brings the promise of success and prosperity. It’s your time to shine, and your hard work is paying off. However, remember to invest your achievements wisely for continued success.

Lucky Days:

Love: September 9

Friendship: September 10

Career: September 10

Pig (1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

For those born under the Pig sign, the week advises against succumbing to external judgments or feeling trapped by the opinions of peers and superiors. Retreat into introversion if necessary to maintain clarity and preserve your sense of self.

Love: In the realm of love, if a long-term relationship faces challenges, it’s essential not to evade the truth or sweep problems under the rug. Seek therapy and counselling to navigate complex issues and find resolutions.

Friendship: Maintaining a delicate balance between discretion and politeness in social interactions can be challenging. However, you possess the capacity to strike this balance effectively.

Career: Your workmates serve as allies this week. Foster a collaborative atmosphere through shared laughter and mutual assistance, creating a positive work environment that fosters anticipation for the workweek.

Lucky Days:

Love: September 10

Friendship: September 10

Career: September 10

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