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Weekly guide to what the stars have in store for YOU: 9-15 March, 2024



Weekly guide to what the stars have in store for YOU: 9-15 March, 2024

By Oscar Cainer For Weekend Magazine

22:31 08 Mar 2024, updated 09:14 12 Mar 2024

The New Moon promises that if we express emotions with sensitivity, we’ll find ways to connect that deepen our most valued relationships. 

As Venus changes signs, the more creativity we show, the more pleasure we’ll find. 


MAR 21 – APR 20

You’ve got an idea about what’s about to happen, and can’t wait for it to begin. Once things start moving, they’ll shift at such a rate you won’t have much time to think about how you’re feeling. Which means this week is ideal for planning, preparing, and working out how to respond if the perfect opportunity comes knocking at your door. When the moment comes (and it will), you want to be ready for it. 

Amazing opportunities arise with the New Moon.

OSCAR CAINER: The New Moon promises that if we express emotions with sensitivity, we¿ll find ways to connect that deepen our most valued relationships


APR 21 – MAY 21

It’s a bit like you’re waiting for a train that’s running late. You can’t get a coffee just in case it arrives. And you mustn’t give up hope. Soon enough, you’ll look back at this ‘pause’ and know it heralded a pivotal change. This week, as a new vision of the way forwards becomes clear, you’ll reach a decision. In the meantime, be patient. The New Moon promises that a new adventure is on its way. 

How will the New Moon transform your life? For inspiring news, visit


May 22 – Jun 22

It won’t take you long to read to the end of this forecast. Luckily, the best advice is always simple. I know you’re in a rush to move on with your life, and feel too restricted. But restrictions are stopping you making wrong moves. How will you know what the right moves are? They’re the ones you’re drawn to follow. And they’ll lead to success. Luckily, that’s happening soon! The New Moon brings positive change! 

For exciting news about your week, go to


Jun 23 – Jul 23

Imagine you’re a bus driver and it’s rush hour. You don’t want to overfill the bus. So you’re counting the people getting on and off – not easy when you’ve got bus passes to check. It’s no wonder you forget to make the phone call you promised to make. Your mind is juggling lots of bewildering info. But if you tap into the New Moon energy, you’ll pull off what you need to do. Good times are on the way! 

Learn more in your New Moon forecast. Visit


Jul 24 – Aug 23

Suppose you’re trying to find a safe path through a jungle. You head off in what looks like the best direction and see something stripy. Is it a tiger? You try another route and reach a ravine. It’s frustrating. Yet each difficulty is preventing you from continuing on the road of false hope. The challenges you’re dealing with are re-orienting you in the right direction. You can make real progress this week. Discover why the New Moon is so magical. 

See your forecast:


Aug 24 – Sep 23

If you’re feeling drained now, how are you going to feel by the end of the week? Yet the New Moon in your opposite sign suggests things will work out better than expected. Not only does it bring an energy boost, it helps you find a different approach and a better way of coping with an irritating situation or person. Use the influence and power on offer and you’ll be rejuvenated and inspired. The New Moon brings the key to your future. 

Find out more! Visit


Sep 24 – Oct 23

It’s true that your options are limited. But none of us have complete freedom of choice. And, if one thing’s certain, it’s that over time things change and choices appear. Your current situation holds blessings disguised as problems. If you look for the positives, you’ll see what’s working in your favour. That will renew your optimism. This week, you’ll start to see change. There are good things ahead. Maximise the New Moon energy! 

Your forecast is full of insight. Go to


Oct 24 – Nov 22

When we really want something, we push doubt aside. Motivation and enthusiasm can justify almost anything. In such moments, it would be helpful if an inner alarm bell was activated. It would remind us to make sure we weren’t overlooking something important. This week, be honest with yourself. Be as aware as you can be. Then, if you’re sure you want what you want, go for it! The New Moon brings powerful change! 

For great news, see


Nov 23 – Dec 21

If only there was a quick-fix cure that would help us get over our regrets. Hang on. There is. It’s gratitude. To access it, you just need to dip into the well of your life experience and think about all you’ve got to be glad about. Life brings challenges, but it also brings gifts. We need to treasure every moment. The New Moon spotlights good things this week. The New Moon energy can transform your world. 

For your key to the week, visit

As Venus changes signs, the more creativity we show, the more pleasure we¿ll find, says Oscar


Dec 22 – Jan 20

Why do emotions have a habit of clashing with our ideas? It’s frustrating. We have to find a way to resolve our incompatible reactions and responses. It’s understandable that we want to comprehend our feelings and desire them to be in harmony with our thoughts. But that’s not how it works. This week, you’re under no obligation to justify what’s in your heart. If you’re inspired, act on it. 

To create the change you wish for, call your week-ahead forecast:


Jan 21 – Feb 19

With Mars in your sign, you’re finding it easier to prioritise. People and situations are making obvious demands, so you can focus on what needs to be done. There’s no room for doubt. Unless you want to spend your week trying to hold back a tide, keep going with the flow. Then you’ll have the energy to fight a battle that’s worth fighting. Wherever you direct your energy, you’re unstoppable. This week’s New Moon is powerful. 

Find out more.


Feb 20 – Mar 20

We’re all doing our best to look after our planet. We know the benefits of turning lights off and being more thoughtful about what we buy. Feeling bad about how we live our lives doesn’t help. Nor does worrying about what anyone else thinks. With the New Moon in your sign, if you think kind thoughts, you can affect the people around you. And, in your small way, change the world for the better. 

The New Moon highlights dynamic possibilities.

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