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What the next government can do to maximise Scotland’s tech sector



What the next government can do to maximise Scotland’s tech sector

Earlier this year, I celebrated my 20th year working with ScotlandIS.

Nobody needs to tell me that two decades is a long time, but I feel extremely privileged to have witnessed firsthand the remarkable evolution of Scotland’s technology sector during that time.

From the bustling start-up ecosystems in Edinburgh and Glasgow, to the evolving hubs in Aberdeen and Dundee, Scottish tech companies truly are at the forefront of global innovation.

However, to maintain and accelerate this momentum, we must collectively champion and support the needs of our tech businesses to facilitate as many of them as possible achieving their full potential.

Failing to do so could result in an unforgivable missed opportunity.

As we move rapidly towards the general election, it has never been more important to champion the cause of our sector. I believe there are two key areas – bridging the skills gap and supporting SMEs – where, working alongside the Holyrood administration, the next government can help make a real substantive impact on the tech sector north of the border.

SMEs are the backbone of Scotland’s economy, driving job creation, fostering innovation and contributing significantly to GDP. They represent 95% of businesses in Scotland, making their success crucial for the nation’s economic prosperity.

As such, supporting these enterprises is not just beneficial – it’s essential. And the next government has a huge role to play in achieving that.

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