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Why MicroStrategy’s bitcoin approach is ‘paying off’



Why MicroStrategy’s bitcoin approach is ‘paying off’

MicroStrategy (MSTR) continues its aggressive investment in bitcoin (BTC-USD), regardless of market highs or lows, with executive chairman Michael Saylor telling Yahoo Finance, “we’re buying all the time.” Defiance ETFs CEO & CIO Sylvia Jablonski joins Catalysts to share her outlook on MicroStrategy’s stock moving forward.

Jablonski highlights the company’s continued profitability, noting that Saylor is “the best dollar-cost averager of bitcoin that ever walked this earth.” She notes that this approach is “paying off” for the company, with cryptocurrency still on track for long-term growth.

“People love bitcoin. They love the volatility, they love the leveraged versions of it, and MicroStrategy is proving to be an awesome proxy for that,” Jablonski tells Yahoo Finance.

For more expert insight and the latest market action, click here to watch this full episode of Catalysts.

This post was written by Angel Smith

Video Transcript

I want to talk to you about micro strategy.

I know this is one of your plays and we have had the fascinating opportunity to speak with Michael Sailor several times on our programme.

So I want us to take a quick listen to our sound by from Michael Sailor.

He is the chief executive chairman over at micro Strategy.

Take a listen.

We’re buying all the time.

We’re buying every quarter we’re buying the the lows, the mids, the highs.

You know, I’ll be buying the top forever because I’m expecting Bitcoin will continue to appreciate as digital capital.

So he’s basically saying that we’re we’re buying even at the highs, right?

I’m not just buying the dip.

And of course, that was in a week where where Bitcoin was moving to the downside.

But I I’m fascinated in his maximalist bullishness on crypto and Bitcoin, and he doesn’t seem to ever want to sell it to make a profit.

How does that play into your thinking on the longevity of micro strategy?

Well, a couple of things I think you know, the company is profitable on software and business intelligence sales.

But as he said, he is the best dollar cost average of Bitcoin that ever walked this Earth.

And he continues to do it at low as mediums and highs.


And that’s I mean, that’s kind of what we preach for investing right?

You can’t time the market.

He just knows that he has to use his cash and buy it up because long term, he’s very bullish on this and it’s paying off.

If you look at what happened to Bitcoin in like January February March, when it was up about 60% the stock was up three times that.

You know it’s still tracking 2 to 3 X Bitcoin 2 to 3 X time, you know, multiplied by the performance of the Bitcoin ETF S out there.

This is another one that we actually levered up, And the the demand has been probably the fastest that we’ve ever seen in an ETF before.

People love Bitcoin.

They love the volatility.

They love the leverage versions of it, and micro strategy is proving to be an awesome proxy.

For that, I mean, for Cryptocurrency, it’s so interesting to track how it grades around specific events, whether it be events like ETF approvals or having and So you know, what is the next major event that we could see?

Uh, a dollar cost averaging type of momentum or or or trade initiated from a whale like micro strategy as a result of knowing what we’ve seen in the past off of those events and and the volatility in some cases, but also the spikes as well.

I think, you know, if you look at what happened over the last couple of days, if he’s, you know, picked it up this morning and it goes back to where it was a few days ago.

Right there.

He’s got a, you know, $4000 worth of gains on his crypto.

But the election could be interesting.

You know, Suddenly everyone in politics is very bullish on crypto.

And if you get a president who’s kind of like at the Crypto Conference in the face of crypto for, you know, maybe you get maybe that’s the next you know, momentum.

That kind of pushes it up, um, into that 70 K range again, who knows

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