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Work to promote West Lothian tourism needed as Visit Scotland shut centres



Work to promote West Lothian tourism needed as Visit Scotland shut centres

West Lothian will do more to build tourism, including looking at community management of heritage sites, councillors agreed in the wake of Visit Scotland’s decision to close its information centres.

The move to close tourism information centres comes as Visit Scotland claims tourists now look online for information.

As there are no Visit Scotland offices in the county, these closures will have no direct effect.

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However Linlithgow Lib Dem councillor Sally Pattle argued that community-led management and promotion of tourism sites and venues in the county was another way to develop underused venues and boost visitor numbers.

It was reported earlier this year that the council owned Burgh Halls in Linlithgow had made a loss in excess of £70,000 this year.

A composite motion from the Lib Dems and Labour agreed acknowledged that “while West Lothian Council is not the driving force behind a tourism strategy for the area, it is certainly a key strategic partner in ongoing work by Visit West Lothian (VWL), the county’s business led Destination Management Organisation, to enhance and develop any strategy that will contribute to a sustainable long-term vision for tourism in our area.”

A report from VWL on the current strategy is to come before next month’s meeting of the Economy, Community Empowerment and Wealth Building PDSP.

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